
Latest version: v1.0.1

Safety actively analyzes 619345 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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New Features


- BaseClassDependentTests: Unit tests for classes are often best organized
into a class structure. This is a baseclass for these unit-tests so that
they accept an argument to the class specifying the class to test. [27]

- PDB and close-to-zero safe element-wise |Quantity| array comparisons [27]

+ phase-wrap support


- Added configuration for using dill over pickle [26]
Changed default from True to False


API Changes

- adopted Astropy's configuration system, removing the old `config` module.

+ utilipy.cfg sets the template
+ each module has the specific config code in the ``setup_package.py`` (preferred), ``__init__.py``, or the relevant python file.

- Rename ``data_utils/shuffle`` to data ``data_utils/shuffler`` [17]

- Deprecate custom ``format_doc`` in favor or Astropy's [17]

- Changed default from True to False in dill-over-pickle config [26]

- Change argument ``dtypeDecoratorBase`` for iterating over all function
arguments from 'all' to `~Ellipsis` [19]

Bug Fixes

- Module ``ipython`` is not imported to top-level namespace [20]
because this is not always used in an ipython environment.

Other Changes and Additions

- PR template [12]

- Adopt pre-commit: [13]

+ `isort <https://pypi.org/project/isort/>`_
+ `black <https://pypi.org/project/black/>`_
+ `flake8 <https://pypi.org/project/flake8/>`_
+ check-added-large-files
+ check-case-conflict
+ check-merge-conflict
+ check-symlinks
+ check-toml
+ check-yaml
+ debug-statements
+ detect-private-key
+ end-of-file-fixer
+ fix-encoding-pragma
+ requirements-txt-fixer
+ trailing-whitespace

- CI Workflows [16]

+ dependabot
+ labeler
+ ci_cron
+ ci_tests
+ pre-commit [22]
+ Auto-publish to PyPI on release [21]

- Remove Travis [16]

- Clean code spacing and import labels [17]




Bug Fixes

- fixed import inspect in ``utilipy.decorators.func_io`` from buit-in to utilipy's inspect module (``utilipy.utils.inspect``) since the function ``store_function_input`` needs fuller_signature`` <https://utilipy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/utilipy.decorators.store_function_input.htmlutilipy.decorators.store_function_input>`_.




The package formerly known as `astroPHD`. Many of the features in v1.0 were present here, but poorly documented and not in Pypi.

API Changes


Bug Fixes


Other Changes and Additions




Has known vulnerabilities

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