
Latest version: v3.2

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* Improved installation and compatibility
* Support for Pandas 1.0
* Various improvements and bug fixes
* Note that active development of certain UrbanSim components has moved to stand-alone libraries in UDST: Developer, Choicemodels, UrbanSim Templates


Not secure


* Updated deprecated `sort` method for Pandas Series and DataFrames


Not secure


* Python 3 compatibility
* Updated documentation
* Various improvements and bugfixes


Not secure


* Remove simulation framework, which has been moved to a separate library
called `Orca <https://udst.github.io/orca/>`_


Not secure

* Fix index of summed probabilities

* https://github.com/udst/urbansim/pull/144


Not secure

* Renamed Location Choice Models to Discscrete Choice Models

* https://github.com/udst/urbansim/pull/134
* We generalized the existing location choice model classes into
discrete choice models with varying capabilities.
The ``urbansim.models.lcm`` module has been renamed to
``urbansim.models.dcm`` and model classes with ``LocationChoice``
in their name have been renamed to have ``DiscreteChoice`` instead.
* New options are available to control the behavior of DCMs:

* ``probability_mode``: The probability mode can take the values
``'single_chooser'`` and ``'full_product'`` (default).
It controls whether the probabilities used for choosing are calculated
using a single chooser or separately for every chooser.
The former is a useful performance optimization when there are
many alternatives.
* ``choice_mode``: The choice mode can take the values
``'individual'`` (default) and ``'aggregate'``.
It controls whether choices are made one at a time for each chooser
or all at once for all choosers.
The latter is appropriate for something like a LCM
where an alternative taken by one person is no longer available
to others.
* At the group level the ``remove_alts`` option specifies whether to
remove chosen alternatives from the alternative pool between
performing choices for segments. ``remove_alts`` defaults to ``False``,
but should be set to ``True`` for LCMs so that alternatives
are not made available multiple times.

The default values for these options are appropriate for fully generalized
discrete choice models, but will need to be set to their non-default
values to retain the behavior of the old ``LocationChoice`` classes.

* Memoized function injectables

* https://github.com/udst/urbansim/pull/138
* Allows users to define a function injectable that has argument-based
caching that is tied into the larger caching system.

* Allow sampling of alternatives during prediction

* https://github.com/udst/urbansim/pull/142



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