
Latest version: v0.19.19

Safety actively analyzes 619528 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Bug fixes

* **report:** support originalUriBaseIds fields for SARIF
(causing malfunction of underline comments to the Swarm)
* **doc:** update RTD (https://universum.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) config
(old config format no longer supported)



Bug fixes

* **artifacts:** build initialization failure for conditional/branch step with no artifacts
* **out:** incorrect block closing for TC, causing unexpected embedment



New features

* **config:** add support of `conditional steps <configuring.htmlconditional-steps>`__

Bug fixes

* **swarm:** quickfix for incorrect '404' response (Swarm server returning '404'
when adding comments to newly added files in review, causing report malfunction)




* **vcs:** replace "github" VCS with "ghapp" and "ghactions" for different GitHub CI styles

New features

* **report:** support analyzers inline commenting for GitHub Actions VCS

Bug fixes

* **doc:** fix changelog for releases 0.19.13 & 0.19.15



New features

* **analyzer:** code report based on clang-format

Bug fixes

* **config:** fixed returning "None" instead of "False" for Step custom keys set to "False"
* **artifact:** remove redundant Static_analysis_report.json from artifacts
* **analyzer:** incorrect program name in help
* **report:** set exit code even if reporting crashes



New features

* **main:** add option to return non-zero code if any step fails

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