
Latest version: v2.0.3

Safety actively analyzes 619181 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Multiple threads for same IP 57
- Fix pre-commit hooks 56
- set dps config autodiscover 36
- make readme enduser friendly 44
- check config values 35
- branch protection rules 42
- Ctrl+C does not stop server 3
- Remove availability logic from TuyaMQTTEntity.status 26
- add commandline arg for testing tuyaface 43
- workflow publish to pypi 39
- Autodiscovery 28
- add setup.py 38
- black, flake, mypi, pre-commit 41
- Ctrl+C does not stop server 3
- listen for kill signal from gismocaster
- device config via topic is rather crude
- https://github.com/TradeFace/gismocaster has to solve this
- add tuyamqtt Autodiscovery 28
- Remove availability logic from TuyaMQTTEntity.status 26


- clean up
- bump tuyaface to v1.2.0
- removed hass_discovery
- moved UI basics -> https://github.com/TradeFace/gismocaster
- bump tuyaface to v1.1.7
- near instant status updates on manual device handling
- bump tuyaface to v1.1.6
- implemented logger and removed custom debugger
- tuyaface to v1.1.5
- clean up dockerfile
- check requirements.txt
- replaced entities.json with sqlite db
- only publish onchange
- added via mqtt/tuya
- thread per device
- pytuya replaced by https://github.com/TradeFace/tuyaface



Has known vulnerabilities

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