
Latest version: v4.7.0

Safety actively analyzes 621892 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Breaking change: AppConfig::Environment.Monitors was renamed to AppConfig::Environment.Monitor
* Validate CoreNetworkArn for a valid EC2 Route descriptor
* Fix RDS validator for gp3 iops/allocated_storage ratio check (2225)
* Fix lint issue in recent change to
* Updates from spec version 158.0.0
* Updates from spec version 159.0.0
* Updates from spec version 160.0.0 (2226)
* Add syn-nodejs-puppeteer-6.2 as valid canary runtime (2228)
* Updates from spec version 161.0.0
* Updates from spec version 162.0.0
* Update actions for node 16 => 20
* Update to peter-evans/create-pull-requestv6
* Updates from spec version 163.0.0 (2227)
* Updates from spec version 164.0.0 (2229)
* Add AWS:B2BI
* Add AWS::DataZone
* Add AWS::NeptuneGraph
* Add new AWS services to resource doc


* Emit pyright version on maintenance run
* Use package.json to install the correct version of pyright
* Updates from spec version 150.0.0 (2210)
* Add AWS::WorkSpacesThinClient
* Updates from spec version 150.0.0 (2211)
* Updates from spec version 151.0.0 (2212)
* Updates from spec version 152.0.0
* Update docs dependency
* Updates from spec version 153.0.0 (2214)
* Allow EVENT for Glue::Trigger.Type (Fixes 2215)
* Update readthedocs-sphinx-search to 0.3.2
* Updates from spec version 154.0.0 (2218)
* Fix Batch patches for spec version 155.0.0
* Updates from spec version 155.0.0
* Add port validator for ElastiCache::ServerlessCache.Endpoint
* Keep Tags consistent for GuardDuty::Filter
* Updates from spec version 156.0.0 (2219)
* Invert Ipv6CidrBlock Check (2216)
* Fix valid Synthetics canary runtime versions (2221)
* Updates from spec version 157.0.0 (2222)


* Upgrade readthedocs config to v2
* Add tests and lint runs for maintenance action
* Install correct version of pyright for maintenance action
* Rename due to conflict: S3::StorageLensGroup.StorageLensFilter
* Add required Name to GuardDuty.IPSet tests
* Updates from spec version 149.0.0 (2207)
* Add AWS::ARCZonalShift
* Add AWS::S3Express
* Add new supported resources to docs
* Prefer ECS::Service.LoadBalancer (Fixes 2206)


* Updates from spec version 146.0.0 (2201)
* Updates from spec version 148.0.0 (2202)
* Remove EMRserverless "Configurations" due to recursive reference to ConfigurationObject
* Move __hash__ to BaseAWSObject to support objects in dictionaries (Fixes 2204)
* Add missing patch related to EMRserverless Configurations removal
* Remove Tags from EventBridge.Rule (Fixes 2203)


* Fix __eq__ protocol (2197)
* Fix formatting
* Object equality fixes (2200)
* Add new OpenSearch instance names to (Fixes: 2198) (2199)


* Updates from spec version 136.0.0 (2175)
* Add AWS::BackupGateway
* Add AWS::CleanRooms
* Add AWS::Comprehend
* Add AWS::InternetMonitor
* Add AWS::IVSChat
* Add AWS::Omics
* Add AWS::Proton
* Add AWS::Shield
* Add AWS::SimSpaceWeaver
* Add AWS::SystemsManagerSAP
* Add AWS::VerifiedPermissions
* Add AWS::VpcLattice
* Add new AWS services to resource doc
* Updates from spec version 137.0.0 (2177)
* Updates from spec version 138.0.0 (2178)
* Updates from spec version 139.0.0 (2179)
* Fix incorrect backward compatibility for ReplicationConfiguration
* Update isort version to fix pip-shims error
* RDS: allow AllocatedStorage to be a Ref (Fixes 2176)
* Updates from spec version 140.0.0 (2181)
* Updates from spec version 141.0.0 (2183)
* Updates from spec version 142.0.0 (2185)
* Fixup Events patch due to removal of AWS::Events::Rule.Tag
* Updates from spec version 142.1.0 (2187)
* Add support for object comparison (2182)
* Reduce error output when encountering a jsonpatch error
* Collect all the service items before modifying the service
* Fixup Events patch due to removal of AWS::Events::EventBus.TagEntry
* Updates from spec version 143.0.0 (2192)
* Updates from spec version 144.0.0 (2193)
* Drop support for Python 3.7 (2190)
* Run tests against Python 3.12 and add trove classifier (2189)
* Fix Parameters.validate incorrect validate for CommaDelimitedList (2191)
* Updates from spec version 145.0.0 (2195)
* Fix lint error from a previous commit to
* RDS: Allow defining ManageMasterUserPassword property instead of the MasterUserPassword property.
* Adding support for default values in FindInMap
* Add AWS::EntityResolution
* Add AWS::HealthImaging
* Add AWS::MediaPackageV2
* Add AWS::PCAConnectorAD
* Add AWS::WorkSpacesWeb
* Add new AWS services to resource doc and fix some trailing parens
* Fix EC2::TransitGatewayMulticastDomain.Options conflict

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