
Latest version: v3.0.0

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**Compatibility breaking changes: Upgrade to Django 3.2 and reset DB migrations for JSONField**

- Add option to make model view/add/change/delete admin only
- Make CELERY_BROKER_URL set by env
- Add vuex.js
- Add option to hide footer
- Add settings to always filter list queryset

- Panel component title attribute now accepts component
- Add helper functions to get/set local data
- Add helper function get_current_user and make get_current_user available in tasks if a user started the task
- Celery hooks are auto loaded from settings
- Remove /media/ from xsendfile
- Search by field label name
- Inline show non field errors
- Allow model_url to have an empty viewname

- AppSettings crashes on migrate because variable table does not yet exists
- Fix ProgrammingError: relation "django_cache" does not exist
- Fix verbose name not saved
- Graph widget only first 30 records instead of lasts 30 records
- Button dialog custom url error



**Compatibility breaking changes: Remove -custom for code url path**

- Allow apps to add global css/js files
- Add Field component
- Add option to hide table header
- Add options to disable auditlog
- App settings can be overridden with system variables
- Add config to disable viewing of model
- Add option should_render to components
- New projects will print emails to console in development
- Add options to set custom create/edit permission on form
- Add permission to dashboard widgets and widget data
- Add celery command for development with auto reload on file change
- Add ImageField renderer
- Add foreign field renderer that renders object with `a` tag
- Add Json field renderer
- Add action column to list view with actions view,edit and delete (remove row click)
- Add graph dashboard widget + improve widget options

- Make raised Exceptions more explicit
- Update models to use settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL and in code to get_user_model()
- Remove -custom for code url path
- Allow for muliple dialog reload options
- Change select_related to prefetch_related to prevent join errors on not null fields
- Do model clean on objects for MassUpdate
- Several small Improvement
- Add no_link options to renderers with an `a` tag, for list view its won't render value in `a` tag
- Close list fields popover on outside click
- Change many to many field renderer to use `a` tags

- Form Datetimepicker format is not set in __init__
- Summernote popovers remain on page if dialog was closed


- Add support for __format__ for LazyFieldRenderer (used by model verbose_name)
- Add support for CTRL+Click and scroll wheel click on list view item to open new tab

- Remove Google fonts

- 51 Filters datepicker won't work if previous selected field was a select
- Mass update crashes on collecting fields from forms when custom __init__ is used


- Greater then filter not working


- Add login redirect to previous visited page

- Fix multiple enumerations are added to list view on slow load
- Fix drag column order on list view out order after drag event
- get_current_request not working in streaming response


- Add create_reusable_app command
- Add ProgressBar component
- Add Unordered and Ordered list components
- Add LineChart, BarChart, PieChart and DoughnutChart component
- Add options to register data function for a widget
- Add support for file upload in dialog
- Add full/extra-large size options to dialog
- Add link target option to header buttons
- Add Date value renderer
- Add current url to dialog object
- Add Link component
- Add component option to lock object
- Add footer with Trionyx and app version
- Add changelog dialog with auto show on version change
- Add command to generate favicon
- Add Ansible upgrade playbook for quickstart
- Add user API token reset link
- Add JS helper runOnReady function
- Add basic-auth authentication view
- Add ajax form choices and multiple choices field

- Update translations
- Add traceback stack to DB logs with no Exception
- Set max_page of 1000 for API and default page size to 25
- Moved depend JS to static files
- Change logging to file rotation for quickstart project
- Improve Table component styling options

- Widget config popup is blank
- Fix form layout Depend not working on create/update view
- Fix widget config_form_class is not set
- Fix list_value_renderer crashes on non string list items
- Fix list load loop on fast reloads (eq spam next button)
- Fix Makefile translate commands
- Fix CreateDialog permission check wasn't working
- Fix model alias tabs not working
- Fix Quickstart reusable app
- Fix log messages is not formatted in db logger
- Fix BaseTask can be executed to fast
- Fix prevent large header titles pushing buttons and content away

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