
Latest version: v2.1.1

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What’s Changed


* ENH: Add 2021 holidays to xkrx calendar (207) sjquant


What’s Changed

Calendar updates

* Add calendar for Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) (200) jenskeiner
* Add XETR as a separate market. (197) jenskeiner
* Bring special close day names in line with other calendars. (198) jenskeiner
* Fix XTKS 2021 holidays according to JPX calendar (199) sercant

Benchmark Changes

* BENCH: Add CI benchmarking and alerting on regressions (184) gerrymanoim

Build Changes

* BLD: Run CI on master push as well (187) gerrymanoim
* Bump actions/setup-python from v2.1.4 to v2.2.1 (202) dependabot
* Bump actions/cache from v2.1.2 to v2.1.3 (192) dependabot
* Bump actions/checkout from v2.3.3 to v2.3.4 (191) dependabot
* Update actions/checkout requirement to v2.3.3 (190) dependabot
* Update actions/setup-python requirement to v2.1.4 (189) dependabot
* Update actions/cache requirement to v2.1.2 (188) dependabot

Documentation Updates

* DOC: Expand usage examples in README (177) gerrymanoim

Test Changes

* TST: Add py3.9 to test matrix (173) gerrymanoim
* TST: Improve our CI tests speed (186) richafrank
* TST: Lock requirements properly in tests (183) gerrymanoim
* TST: Move off nose and on to pytest (179) gerrymanoim


* Added missing direct dependencies to install_requires (185) richafrank



This release packages a lot of the ongoing work to unify `trading_calendars` and `pandas_market_calendars`. We now have better holiday coverage (in XCBF, XLON, NYSE) and calendars support midday breaks (only implemented in XHKG).

Build Fixes

* BLD: Add PR labeler, bump pandas/numpy in testing (148) gerrymanoim

Bug Fixes

* BUG: Fix GoodFriday for XCBF (171) gerrymanoim
* BUG: Do not loop-back when count is greater than historical dates (125) pavitrakumar78

Development Enhancements

* DEV: Add a devcontainer to allow codespaces development (174) gerrymanoim


* ENH: Add breaks to TradingCalendar (154) gerrymanoim
* ENH: Update XHKG calendar (165) gerrymanoim
* ENH: NYSE Calendar prior to 1990 (169) gerrymanoim
* ENH: Update XLON calendars (166) gerrymanoim
* ENH: add additional aliases (161) rsheftel
* ENH: Add get_calendar_names (153) gerrymanoim


* MAINT: Replace US/Eastern with America/New_York (157) gerrymanoim


* PERF: Refactor next_non_holiday_weekday in XTKS (159) leonarduschen


What’s Changed

* ENH: Fix xses (142) leonarduschen
* BLD: Add `test` to `extras_require` (144) gerrymanoim


What’s Changed

* Add temporary holiday to xkrx exchange (141) sjquant


What’s Changed

* Update the Brazilian holidays' calendar (140) ucaiado

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