
Latest version: v0.2.1

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Release notes:
- Command to install apex changed from `pip install torch-lr-finder -v --global-option="amp"` to `pip install torch-lr-finder -v --global-option="apex"`
- Handle apex install for pytorch < 1.0.0
- Remove message checking if the `apex.amp` module is available (46)
- Fix learning rate history and learning rate computation in schedulers (43, 42)
- Refactor of Dataloader iterator wrapper (37). An example of how this can be used can be found in [examples/lrfinder_cifar10_dataloader_iter](
- Transfer data to cuda with non_blocking=True (31)
- Enable batch data contained in a dictionary to be moved to the correct device (29)
- Enable generic objects to be moved to the correct device if they have a `.to()` method (29)
- Dropped Python 2.x support: the last version with Python 2 support is v0.1.5 which can also be found in the [torch_lr_finder-v0.1]( branch


Fixed extended iterable unpacking for Python 2.7 as proposed by NaleRaphael in 27.



Has known vulnerabilities

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