
Latest version: v1.32.2

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See the [release notes]( for the list of interesting changes.

* Refresh Beaker API client in mrack to use up-to-date Kerberos ticket by happz in
* Correctly show the `--provision-timeout` default by psss in
* Remove the `.travis.yml` config file by LecrisUT in
* Clarify the `--last` symlink creation race a bit by psss in
* Removing c9s workaround for pytest-container by martinhoyer in
* Update pre-commit checks and add a couple of new ones by happz in
* Add unit test for package manager installing a file system path by happz in
* Refactor package manager discovery to allow priorities by happz in
* Removing /var/tmp workdir from rpm packaging by martinhoyer in

**Full Changelog**:


* Update pytest on c9s when using site-packages
* Fixing spec file version in order to be able to update Fedora packages.


See the [release notes]( for the list of interesting changes.

* Fix dmesg check test for recent Fedoras by happz in
* Support URL as post-install-script for `artemis` plugin by skycastlelily in
* Enable the full test execution using a label by psss in
* Drop two no longer used methods from prepare step by happz in
* Underline `try` menu keys by lukaszachy in
* Allow custom boot/connect timeouts for testcloud VMs by happz in
* Cover `tmt.templates` with `pyright` by happz in
* Make checks smarter about environments in which they should not run by happz in
* Introduce "topology" addresses for guests by happz in
* Test the `become` key under `virtual` provision by carlosrodfern in
* Collect test/test check results in test invocation by happz in
* Check for files in `rpm-ostree install` script by KwisatzHaderach in
* Properly detect if test is enabled somewhere by lukaszachy in
* Use the `PROVISION_HOW` variable in `provision` plans by psss in
* Remove mention about the full test suite from docs by psss in
* Add essential requirements to checks by happz in
* Enable `additional_coverage` tests for pull requests by psss in
* Convert environment handling into a dict-like class by happz in
* "Show default" flag was dropped from CLI option initialization by happz in
* Bump supported Artemis API versions to 0.0.69 by happz in
* Add `Environment` and `FmfContext` among loggable types by happz in
* Mark test check tests with more fitting provision tags by happz in
* Move deferred user stories into a separate section by psss in
* Add support for `disk.model-name` hardware requirement by skycastlelily in
* Extend the `duration` for time-demanding tests by psss in
* Set acl permissions on workdir root to ensure multi-user access when umask is `0027` by carlosrodfern in
* Use /usr/sbin/sestatus instead of /usr/bin/sestatus by guoguojenna in
* Log the beaker job whiteboard by rh-mcermak in
* Disable password authentication when using keys by frantisekz in
* Document how to enable verbose/debug logging by psss in
* Pass `domain_configuration` to testcloud's `wake()` by frantisekz in
* Include `context` in the test `metadata.yaml` file by LecrisUT in
* Support `disk.model-name` hw requirement for `mrack` by skycastlelily in
* Remove now unnecessary `NON_KVM_ADDITIONAL_WAIT` from testcloud by frantisekz in
* Add support for `disk.driver` hardware requirement by skycastlelily in
* Disable IPv6 for `/plans/provision/virtual` in CI by happz in
* Set default formatting of Pint units to use symbols, not names by happz in
* Add support for emulated TPM into virtual provision plugin by happz in
* Bootstrap unit tests for Beaker XML transformation of HW requirements by happz in
* Cover `tmt.hardware` with `pyright` check by happz in
* Support `disk.driver` hw requirement for `mrack` by skycastlelily in
* Implement the new test check `watchdog` by happz in
* Cover `report/junit` with `pyright` by happz in
* Include a simple config for the `polarion` plugin by psss in
* Move `/tests/run/shell` to `/plans/provision/local` by psss in
* Allow commands whose output is not logged unless they fail by happz in
* Extract "package manager" functionality into plugins by happz in
* Run `/plans/install/docs` in core `packit` jobs by psss in
* Finish unit testing of HW transformations in mrack plugin by happz in
* Debug output for `discover -h fmf --modified-only` by lukaszachy in
* Select no tests if `modified-only` returns nothing by lukaszachy in
* Add new environment variable for test iteration identifier by therazix in
* Fix typos in the `tmt try` help message examples by psss in
* Update pre-commit checks by happz in
* Increase the default test `duration` a bit by psss in
* Clarify that plan context is not applied to plan by psss in
* Document test tags and mark beakerlib integration by lukaszachy in
* Add support for linking artifacts from the report by bajertom in
* Introduce ansible-lint to format ansible files by idorax in
* Add support for `zcrypt` to Beaker plugin by happz in
* Prepare dist-git sources using `rpmbuild -bp` by lukaszachy in
* Use `TMT_REPORT_ARTIFACTS_URL` in Polarion report plugin by KwisatzHaderach in
* Allow `keep-git-metadata` to be used without url by lukaszachy in
* Update the `reportportal` plugin by 4N0body5 in
* Support Alpine Linux `apk` package manager by thrix in

New Contributors
* skycastlelily made their first contribution in
* rh-mcermak made their first contribution in
* LecrisUT made their first contribution in

**Full Changelog**:


See the [release notes]( for the list of interesting changes.

- Simple ReST renderer for CLI help texts (2574)
- Generate plugin documentation from their sources (2549)
- Fix environment from command line updated twice (2614)
- Introduce a new prepare plugin for common features (2198)
- Remove `xfail` for the `multidict` issue on `rawhide`
- Prevent catching avc denials from previous tests
- Remove an obsolete workaround for `centos-stream-8`
- Enable the `/tests/discover/libraries` test (2222)
- Add documentation on tmt & regular expressions
- Fix expansion of envvar starting with `` in fmf nodes
- Add the `zcrypt` adapter specification
- Allow urllib3 2.x
- Enable `/plans/provision/virtual` for pull requests (2558)
- Remove the dns failures workaround
- Fix reporting of schema errors without the `$id` key
- AVC check now saves a timestamp on guest instead of using runner's time
- Add check to prevent `tmt try` deleting imported libraries
- Reduce usage of locks in the `testcloud` plugin
- Add support for envvars import and export to Polarion
- Use enumeration to implement action handling
- Handle the `ctrl-d` shortcut in `tmt try`
- Run tests with `interactive` mode during `tmt try`
- Fix `tmt import --dry` and Polarion import file name
- Document that `name` is supported in `--filter` search (2637)
- Refactor running of interactive commands (2554)
- Create container images from the latest non-dev copr build
- Fail `dmesg` check if it contains `Call Trace` or `segfault`
- Mention the reboot timeout variable in the release notes
- Bump the default reboot timeout to 10 minutes
- Allow change of the default reboot timeout via environment variable
- Introduce essential requirements
- Allow `--update-missing` to change the default `how` value
- Document the new `become` feature
- Raise an error when loading pre-1.24 `tests.yaml`
- Support terminating process running test via its test invocation (2589)
- Fix `egrep` warning in `/plans/install/docs`
- Test framework may provide additional test requirements
- Improve logging of AVC check plugin and its test
- Cleanup logging in `tmt.utils.create_file()`
- Drop connection closed messages from test output
- Recommend `qemu-kvm-core` for `provision-virtual`
- Fix `/tests/plan/import` to not use special ref (2627)
- Improve imported plan modification test to verify the order as well (2618)
- Retry the `git clone` action multiple times
- Simplify the debuginfo installation test
- Support `` in `mrack` plugin
- Support running all or selected steps `--again`
- Allow hardware requirements limit acceptable operators
- Fix inheritance of some keys in provision step data
- Run a callback when command process starts
- Add support for hard reboot to Beaker provision plugin
- Make collected requires/recommends guest-aware
- Copy top level `main.fmf` during testdir pruning
- Add support for Artemis API v0.0.67
- Add support for `cpu.flag` hardware requirement
- Use a different pidfile location for the full test
- Clear test invocation data path use and derived paths
- Add support for disallowing plugins via command line
- Use constraint classes specific for particular value type
- Making rhts metric value optional.
- Ignore tarballs and generated man page
- Cover `tmt.libraries` with `pyright` checks
- Parallelize the `provision` step
- Let `click` know about the maximal output width
- Cover `tmt.identifier` with `pyright` checks
- Extend `duration` of `/tests/core/escaping` a bit
- Move docs templates into their own directory
- Drop no longer needed `tmt.utils.copytree()`
- Drop no longer used `tmt.utils.listify()`
- Provision plugins use `` instead of `self.get()`
- Prepare and finish plugins use instead of self.get()
- Fix tmt.utils.format to allow int and float values
- Move code-related pages under new `code` directory
- Warn on test case not found in Polarion during report
- Bump pre-commit linters
- When cloning a logger, give it its own copy of labels
- Add a `Toolbelt Catalog` entry for `tmt`
- Enable the `avc` check for all `tmt` tests
- Fix dmesg check test on Fedora rawhide & newer


See the [release notes]( for the list of interesting changes.

- Make `arch` field unsupported in the spec
- Introduce `tty` test attribute to control terminal environment
- Ensure the imported plan's `enabled` key is respected
- Add support for user defined templates (2519)
- Update the common schema for the `check` key
- Create a `checks` directory to store avc/dmesg checks
- Correctly update environment from importing plan
- Implement `tmt try` for interactive sessions
- Use a shorter time for `podman stop` (2480)
- Add the `redis` server as a multihost sync example
- Improve documentation of test checks
- Adjust the format of Polarion test run title
- Run all available tests only upon a user request
- Rename `name` to `how` in test check specification (2527)
- Link `inheritance` and `elasticity` from the guide
- Add the `fips` field for the `polarion` report
- Cover `tmt.cli` with `pyright` (2520)
- Custom soft/hard reboot commands for the connect provision plugin
- Add `--feeling-safe` for allowing possibly dangerous actions
- Update docs for the `polarion` report plugin
- Move test-requested reboot handling into test invocation class
- Add `-i` to select an image in beaker and artemis
- Document how to use `yaml` anchors and aliases
- Simplify log decolorizers to support pickleable trees
- Add description field to polarion report plugin
- Make check plugin class generic over check class (2502)
- Increase verbosity of Artemis provisioning errors
- Add more distros to the `mrack` config
- Move the `contact` key to the `Core` class
- Bump tmt in lint pre-commit check to 1.29.0
- Add Python 3.12 to the test matrix
- Move `mrack` configs into `tmt+provision-beaker`
- Allow running upgrade from the current repository
- Fix remote nested library fetch and add test
- Cover tmt.options with pyright
- Cover tmt.checks, tmt.frameworks and tmt.log with pyright
- Cover tmt.result with pyright checks
- Store fmf `context` in results for each test
- Add networks to the podman provision plugin (2419)
- Add a dedicated exit code when all tests reported `skip` result
- Move invocation-related fields out of `Test` class
- Remove expected fail from `/tests/pip/install/full`
- Convert test execution internals to use "invocation" bundle (2469)
- Introduce a separate page `Code` for code docs
- Add code documentation generated from docstrings
- Fix possible unbound variable after import-under-try
- Add `pyright` as a `pre-commit` check
- Add a helper for nonconflicting, multihost-safe filenames
- Add the `whiteboard` option for `beaker` provision
- Support timestamped logging even on the terminal
- Enable pyupgrade `UP` ruff rule
- Fix `UP035` deprecated-import violations
- Fix `UP034` extraneous-parentheses violation
- Fix `UP033` lru-cache-with-maxsize-none violations
- Fix `UP032` f-string violations
- Fix `UP013` convert-typed-dict-functional-to-class
- Fix `UP009` utf8-encoding-declaration violations
- Fix `UP006` non-pep585-annotation violations
- Try several times to build the `become` container (2467)
- Add .py file extension to docs scripts (2476)
- Add a link to the Testing Farm documentation
- Use `renku` as the default theme for building docs
- Properly normalize the test `path` key
- Add an `adjust` example for enabling custom repo
- Drop special normalization methods
- Disable `dist-git-init` in the `distgit` test (2463)



- Add support for pruning test directories
- Download all sources for `dist-git-source`
- Source plan environment variables after `prepare` and `execute` steps
- Framework is not consulted on results provided by tmt-report-result
- Run scripts with `sudo` when `become` is on
- Add hardware schema for GPU
- Add `device` key into the `hardware` specification
- Extend tmt-reboot to allow reboot from outside of the test process
- Show `check` results in the `html` report
- Update `where` implementation, docs & test coverage

Full Changelog
- Add page `Releases` to highlight important changes
- Update and polish hardware requirement docs
- Refactor generating of stories and lint check docs
- Add support for pruning test directories
- Download all sources for `dist-git-source`
- Source plan environment variables after `prepare` and `execute` steps
- Framework is not consulted on results provided by tmt-report-result
- Run scripts with `sudo` when `become` is on
- Add `retry` for pulling images in the `podman` plugin
- Add hardware schema for GPU
- Change the default test pidfile directory to `/var/tmp`
- Add `device` key into the `hardware` specification
- Update code and test coverage for the `check` key
- Document case-insensitive context dimension values
- Fix use of the `-name` suffix in system HW requirement
- Correct parsing when called as `rhts`
- Reconcile HW requirements with virtual's own options
- Move the `README` content into `docs/overview`
- Make `BasePlugin` generic over step data class
- Use `UpdatableMessage` for execute/internal progress bar
- Drop an empty line from the pull request template
- Add `runner` property to run with test runner facts
- Export sources of an `fmf` node
- Bump pre-commit linters to newer versions
- Append the checklist template to new pull requests
- Extend tmt-reboot to allow reboot from outside of the test process
- Allow optional doc themes
- Use consistent style for multiword test names
- Show `check` results in the `html` report
- Update `where` implementation, docs & test coverage
- Document difference between key, field and option
- Rename multiword keys to use dashes in export and serialization
- Allow Path instance to be used when constructing commands
- Switch `Logger.print()` to output to stdout
- Replace Generator type annotation with Iterator
- Refactor data container helpers
- When merging fmf and CLI, use shared base step data
- Fix installing package from the command line
- Add support for checks to have their data packages
- Switch `tmt.identifier` from using `fmf.log`
- Hide test/plan/story internal fields from export
- Fix full test suite after recent packaging changes
- Update the list of code owners
- Include the `fmf` root in the tarball as well

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