
Latest version: v1.5.1

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.. rubric:: Bug fixes

- Fix calendar drop-down not in front issue if window has the :obj:`-topmost` attribute in Windows (`49 <>`_)
- Make :meth:`Calendar.config` and :meth:`DateEntry.config` accept a dictionary like standard tkinter widgets
- Fix calendar not hiding when clicking again on :class:`DateEntry` drop-down button in Windows (`51 <>`_)
- Fix *maxdate* disabled while it sould be the latest allowed date (`50 <>`_)



.. rubric:: New features

- :meth:`Calendar.see` method: make sure given date is visible
- Make *locale* option editable after the creation of the :class:`Calendar`

.. rubric:: New options

- *disabledforeground* and *disabledbackground*: colors of calendar border and
month/year name in disabled state
- *maxdate* and *mindate*: set an allowed date range for date selection
- *weekenddays*: choose the days colored as week-end days (`37 <>`_)
- *date_pattern*: customize the date format

.. rubric:: Bug fixes

- Make :meth:`Calendar.selection_clear` actually clear the selection
- Fix :obj:`ValueError` when retrieving default locale
- Fix date parsing error in Swedish locale and some others (`44 <>`_)
- Improve compliance with ttk themes by make the :class:`DateEntry` look like a :class:`ttk.Combobox` (`42 <>`_)
- Fix high CPU issues in Windows (`36 <>`_)



.. rubric:: New features

- :obj:`\<\<CalendarMonthChanged\>\>` virtual event: event generated each time the user changes the displayed month
- :meth:`Calendar.get_displayed_month` method: return the currently displayed month in the form of a (month, year) tuple

.. rubric:: New options

- *showothermonthdays*: show/hide the last and first days of the previous and next months

.. rubric:: Bug fixes

- Fix handling of *style* option in :class:`DateEntry`
- Fix display of events for January days showing on December and conversely



.. rubric:: Bug fixes

- Fix bug in day selection when *firstweekday* is 'sunday' (`28 <>`_)



.. rubric:: New features

- Add possibility to display special events (like birthdays, ..) in the calendar.
The events are displayed with colors defined by tags and the event description is displayed in a tooltip
(see :ref:`calevent`) (`19 <>`_)

.. rubric:: New options

- *showwekknumbers*: show/hide week numbers (`18 <>`_)
- *firstweekday*: first week day ('monday' or 'sunday') (`25 <>`_)

.. rubric:: Bug fixes

- No longer set locale globally to avoid conflicts between several instances, use babel module instead (`15 <>`_)
- Make :class:`DateEntry` compatible with more ttk themes, especially OSX default theme (`16 <>`_)



.. rubric:: Bug fixes

- Fix :obj:`ValueError` in :class:`DateEntry` with Python 3.6.5 (`13 <>`_)

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