
Latest version: v1.1.0

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Release 1.1.0 final with Python 3.12 support


- Add Python 3.12 final to the matrix
- Expose raw functions for CBC mode, with manual padding and unpadding


- Drop support for Python 2.7 (CI tests and builds are disabled, code may still work)
- Add support for CBC mode (unstable API, inplace only, manual padding)


What's Changed
* Add Python 3.11 to the matrix and bump to 1.0.4rc1 by naufraghi in https://github.com/naufraghi/tinyaes-py/pull/30

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/naufraghi/tinyaes-py/compare/v1.0.3...v1.0.4


Add Python 3.11 to the wheel matrix, remove 2.7 and 3.6

- tests are still done on 2.7 and 3.6
- update `actions/checkout` and `actions/setup-python`
- use `pypa/cibuildwheel` for publishing


What's Changed
* actions: bump to RalfG/python-wheels-manylinux-buildv0.3.4-manylinux2010 by naufraghi in https://github.com/naufraghi/tinyaes-py/pull/23
* Add python 3.10 support by naufraghi in https://github.com/naufraghi/tinyaes-py/pull/21
* Bump submodule tiny-AES-c by naufraghi in https://github.com/naufraghi/tinyaes-py/pull/26
* version bump 1.0.3rc2 by naufraghi in https://github.com/naufraghi/tinyaes-py/pull/27
* Bump version 1.0.3 final by naufraghi in https://github.com/naufraghi/tinyaes-py/pull/28

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/naufraghi/tinyaes-py/compare/v1.0.2...v1.0.3

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