
Latest version: v1.5.1

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What's Changed

This is a packaging maintenance update release for PyPI.

**NOTE**: Version v1.5.0 has been yanked from PyPI.

This is due to the mistaken inclusion of vendored `pydm` and `pyqtgraph` libraries. It appears this may have been due to a broken environment when the source distribution archive was created. If you have a tag relying on v1.5.0, please update it to `>=v1.5.1`.


What's Changed
* MNT: strip spaces at beginning/end of PV names by klauer in https://github.com/slaclab/timechart/pull/61
* ENH: Added fullscreen-like mode toggle option by kabanaty in https://github.com/slaclab/timechart/pull/70
* FIX: do not force the open/save directories to '~' home by klauer in https://github.com/slaclab/timechart/pull/69
* Show loaded filename in Window Title 65 by zdomke in https://github.com/slaclab/timechart/pull/71
* ENH: Added ability to load PVs from command line by kabanaty in https://github.com/slaclab/timechart/pull/74
* Import File Formats by zdomke in https://github.com/slaclab/timechart/pull/73
* ENH: Add "Save Data to Disk" button by zdomke in https://github.com/slaclab/timechart/pull/78
* ENH: Application Startup Script & CRAM integration by zdomke in https://github.com/slaclab/timechart/pull/79
* Fixing startup script by zdomke in https://github.com/slaclab/timechart/pull/80
* ENH: external tool using new pydm entrypoints mechanism by klauer in https://github.com/slaclab/timechart/pull/77

New Contributors
* klauer made their first contribution in https://github.com/slaclab/timechart/pull/61
* kabanaty made their first contribution in https://github.com/slaclab/timechart/pull/70
* zdomke made their first contribution in https://github.com/slaclab/timechart/pull/71

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/slaclab/timechart/compare/v1.2.4...v1.5.0


Bug Fixes
- MNT: compatibility with font awesome 5 update in pydm 58 (Thanks ZLLentz )



- Added Clear Curve button. (Thanks fernandohds564)


Bug Fixes and Enhancements

This release includes a minor code fix, with CI and documentation enhancements

1. Code fix to accommodate the recent `errno` import in Python 3.7
2. Adding support files to trigger Travis CI for every commit push
3. Adding Sphinx documentation and support files to generate HTML pages for the [TimeChart Online Documentation](https://slaclab.github.io/timechart/ "TimeChart Online Documentation").


Bug Fixes and Enhancements
This release fixes a string format that is incompatible with Python 2.7.

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