
Latest version: v0.2.1

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> Since the internal settings structure has been significantly changed in this release,
> the bot config file maybe must be deleted once with the start argument -r and the bot must be set up again to work properly.

Bug fixes:
- fixed issues when the socket file to ffmpeg was the same as the task directory
- fixed converting stats issue when no converting progress occurred
- fixed an issue when an unknown user get first checked for admin instead of allowed status
- fixed a bug where the user list was not usable

New Features:
- added loudness normalization
- added youtube-dl download limit
- added unknown command handler
- if a non-admin wants to use an admin feature, he gets a info message
- added proper error handler for telegram errors
- added option to get error or log file
- added stats command to receive user and download/upload statistics about the bot instance
- using a message queue to send queued messages and do not exceed the Telegram Bot API rate limit

Other changes:
- divided settings handler into smaller sub handler
- added new audio filter and project feature highlights to Readme
- added type annotations
- updated help commands
- added requirements file and specific versions to required packages
- extracted enums to models package
- refactored downloading and converting
- clarified content of the start message
- fixed typo in setup description


Bug fixes:
- fixed missing auto delete of bot status messages
- fixed issues with acc audio codec and file format extension
- fixed bot timeout issues in combination with multiprocessing

Other changes:
- changed multiprocessing to threading (with GIL)
- added Readme to pypi description
- fixed typos in Readme


Bug fixes:
- fixed missing youtube-dl progress dict values
- added delay to prevent exceeding bot api request limits (default delay is 2s)
- fixed wrong eta formatting of converting messages

New features:
- show tgAudioBot version in help message

Other changes:
- text of the first task update message changed to a clearer explanation
- changed default audio upload timeout to 600s
- added default timeout of 60s for bot actions
- added SponsorBlock API notice to cli help page
- added download stats to Readme
- added project plan section to Readme
- changed Sonarcloud scan action trigger to tags and refactor branch


Bug fixes:
- fix pypi publish action


First release of tgAudioBot



Has known vulnerabilities

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