
Latest version: v1.0.8

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- Create a signed tag: `git tag --sign -m "Release 1.1.1" 1.1.1`
- Push branch up to git: `git push -u origin release-1.1.1`
- Open a PR for the release, ensure that tests pass


- Push tag: `git push --tags`
- Merge PR into master, checkout master locally: `git checkout master; git pull`
- Create PyPI release: `python sdist upload --sign`
- Update github release page:\_blueprints/releases
- use the contents of the latest CHANGELOG entry for the body.

Helper to create CHANGELOG entries
git log --reverse --pretty=format:"%s" | tail -100 | sed 's/^/- /'


- FlexibleAutoScalingGroup blueprint [GH-156]
- Update s3 policies with Remind in-house copies [GH-158]
- Setup correct BucketPolicy for public websites in s3 [GH-159]


- Add s3:PutObjectVersionAcl action to s3 policies [GH-150]
- Fix trying to create an sqs policy for non-sqs-type topics [GH-151]
- Fix default for topics with no subscriptions [GH-153]


This is a minor release to deal with dependency conflicts between
stacker & stacker\_blueprints, specifically around troposphere & awacs.


- Convert SQS Queue blueprint to TroposphereType [GH-132]
- Allow overriding of Code object in aws\_lambda.Function subclasses [GH-133]
- FunctionScheduler (Cloudwatch Events based) blueprint [GH-134]
- route53 VPC private hosted zones [GH-135]
- Add lambda external role support [GH-136]
- Add lambda version support [GH-138]
- Add lambda alias support [GH-139]
- Add stream spec for aws lambda [GH-146]


- New iam Roles blueprint [GH-106]
- Add bastion security group output [GH-113]
- Add PutObjectACL action [GH-114]
- Add default db name in RDS [GH-115]
- Fix Elasticache subnets [GH-116]
- Fix issue w/ SnapshotRetnetionLimit [GH-117]
- Add FifoQueue parameter to sqs.Queues [GH-118]
- KMS refactor [GH-119]
- Route53 refactor [GH-120]
- Add ELB hostedZoneId if missing for Alias targets in Route53 [GH-121]
- Generic Resource Creator [GH-122]
- DNS Hosted Zone Comments in Route53 [GH-123]
- Skip record\_set if Enabled key is False [GH-126]
- Make A & CNAME share the same label [GH-127]

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