
Latest version: v2.0.2

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- Default Name (and thus default filename) now uses plain {domain} instead of replacing `.` with `_`.
- Default Name includes language and `_all` (250 251)
- Fixed crash when first post in XML dump has zero comments (254)
- Image requests now uses a User-Agent header (252)
- Fixed an issue completing process at very end (253)
- Using zimscraperlib v1.6 (libzim 1.1.0)


- rewrite using python-libzim (libzim7)
- added --list-all option to list all available stackexchange domains
- added --preparation-only to only prepare XML files
- faster XML dumps creation step (x5)


* removed pre-generated identicons (141)
* removed templates_mini
* upgraded jdenticon to 2.2.0
* single identicon behavior for normal and nopic mode
* add `--no-identicons` option to skip downloading identicons and use only generated ones
* use pylibzim to create ZIM file
* properly handle root-relative links
* removed zipping HTML files on disk and use of --inflateHTML zimwriterfs option
* fix invalid tag internal links
* user profile links now redirect to online version if `--nouserprofile` option is passed
* `.html` extension is now removed from the articles
* internal link redirection is now possible from user profiles
* error during ZIM creation now properly returns 1
* handle internal `/` link


* fixed identicons for missing source image (142)
* use magic for filetype identification
* log on successful downloads
* do not depend on headers for filetype identification
* use Pillow to convert images (except GIF) to PNG
* use Pillow to resize images (except GIF)
* Download using save_large_file from zimscraperlib
* Prevent a crash in nopic mode if temp dir and output dir on different disks
* Added timeout on HEAD request
* Better handling of images with misleading extensions


* better logging
* added suppot for optimizaton-cache (S3)
* fixed temp files being left on disk after image conversion errors
* fixed favicon conversion to png
* fixed crash on empty text comment
* fixed some links not working (129)
* improved plain text links support.
* added support for images in comments
* updated dependencies (mistune, beautifulsoup, Pillow)
* fixed missing index in ZIM
* fixed gif to png conversion
* better filetype checking: fallback to magic no known filetype found in header
* replaced filemagic with python-magic


* image optimization now performed in memory (/dev/shm) if possible (84)
* improved Usage wording
* fixed regression from 1.2 on image conversion to PNG
* bumped external image optimizers versions
* fixed failed-to-optimize image being left on disk (111)

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