
Latest version: v0.6.1

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Bugfix/Maintenance release.

What's Changed
* **CLI**: Remove duplicate error/warning when sources are passed via CLI instead. (163). Thanks AIGeneratedUsername!
* **Dependencies**: Support `packaging` `>=21,<23.0`. (162). Thanks whardier!
* **Dependencies**: Bump `types-toml` from `0.10.8` to `` (156)
* **Dependencies**: Bump `mypy` from `0.990` to `0.991` (157)
* **Actions**: Bump `actions/setup-python` from `4.3.0` to `4.3.1` (160)

**Full Changelog**:


Feature release.

This release breaks `.skjoldignore` files when containing `PyUP` identifiers (See 148). You might need to re-add them to the ignore file using the `CVE` or new PyUP identifier.

* **PyUP**: Use 'cve' field as 'pyup' identifier. (149). Thanks joakimnordling!
* **Dependencies**: Bump mypy from `0.981` to `0.982` (141)
* **Dependencies**: Bump black from `22.8.0` to `22.10.0` (144)
* **Dependencies**: Bump pytest-mock from `3.9.0` to `3.10.0` (143)
* **Dependencies**: Bump `pytest` from `7.1.3` to `7.2.0` (146)
* **Dependencies**: Bump `types-pyyaml` from `6.0.12` to `` (147)
* **Dependencies**: Bump `pytest-sugar` from `0.9.5` to `0.9.6` (151)
* **Dependencies**: Bump `mypy from` `0.982` to `0.990` (152)
* **Dependencies**: Bump `types-pyyaml` from `` to `` (153)
* **Actions**: Bump `actions/checkout` from `3.0.2` to `3.1.0` (142)
* **Actions**: Bump `actions/setup-python` from `4.2.0` to `4.3.0` (145)

**Full Changelog**:


Hotfix release.


* **PyUP**: Use `more_info_path` to create correct `` URLs ( Thanks joakimnordling!
* **Dependencies**: Bump `types-pyyaml` from `6.0.9` to `6.0.12` (
* **Dependencies**: Bump `types-toml` from `0.10.7` to `0.10.8` (
* **Actions**: Bump `coverage` from `6.4.1` to `6.5.0` (
* **Actions**: Bump `actions/setup-python` from `4.0.0` to `4.2.0` (,

**Full Changelog**:


Feature / Hotfix release.

**Breaking**: This version drops support for Python 3.6 (117) and adds the filename to both output formats (118).

- **Packaging**: Switch to `poetry-core` (91). Thanks fabaff!
- **Gemnasium**: Properly handle false positives/withdrawn CVEs marked with `(,0)` (90). Thanks stesix!
- **OSV**: Support latest OSV/PyPA schema (only using `ECOSYSTEM` + `versions`) (115). Thanks Kurt-von-Laven!
- **Feature**: Support handling multiple input files (118). Thanks joakimnordling!
- **Actions**: Bump `actions/checkout` from `2.3.4` to `2.4.0` (82).
- **Actions**: Bump `actions/setup-python` from `2.2.2` to `2.3.2` (93).
- **Breaking**: Drops support for Python 3.6 (117)

**Full Changelog**:


Hotfix release.

- **Github**: Properly parse/handle `github` _fixed_ version specifiers e.g. `= 1.4.2`. Fixes 61. Thanks brondsem!
- **Github**: Show correct environment variable name if Github API Token is not defined. See 62. Thanks markus-k!


Feature/Maintenance release.

**Important!**: From this release onwards `skjold` depends on/uses `packaging` instead of `poetry-semver` (See 52 for details).

- Use `packaging` for parsing versions instead of `poetry-semver`. See 52
- Display helpful message if Github Token is not found/set when using the `github` source. See 56
- Updated dependencies.

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