
Latest version: v1.16.0

Safety actively analyzes 621562 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Pull request 343, issue 341, pull request 349: Port _SixMetaPathImporter to
Python 3.10.



- Pull request 331: Optimize `six.ensure_str` and `six.ensure_binary`.



- Issue 288, pull request 289: Add `six.assertNotRegex`.

- Issue 317: `six.moves._dummy_thread` now points to the `_thread` module on
Python 3.9+. Python 3.7 and later requires threading and deprecated the
`_dummy_thread` module.

- Issue 308, pull request 314: Remove support for Python 2.6 and Python 3.2.

- Issue 250, issue 165, pull request 251: `six.wraps` now ignores missing
attributes. This follows the Python 3.2+ standard library behavior.



- Issue 298, pull request 299: Add `six.moves.dbm_ndbm`.

- Issue 155: Add `six.moves.collections_abc`, which aliases the `collections`
module on Python 2-3.2 and the `` on Python 3.3 and greater.

- Pull request 304: Re-add distutils fallback in ``.

- Pull request 305: On Python 3.7, `with_metaclass` supports classes using PEP
560 features.



- Issue 259, pull request 260: `six.add_metaclass` now preserves
`__qualname__` from the original class.

- Pull request 204: Add `six.ensure_binary`, `six.ensure_text`, and



- Pull request 178: `with_metaclass` now properly proxies `__prepare__` to the
underlying metaclass.

- Pull request 191: Allow `with_metaclass` to work with metaclasses implemented
in C.

- Pull request 203: Add parse_http_list and parse_keqv_list to moved

- Pull request 172 and issue 171: Add unquote_to_bytes to moved urllib.parse.

- Pull request 167: Add `six.moves.getoutput`.

- Pull request 80: Add `six.moves.urllib_parse.splitvalue`.

- Pull request 75: Add `six.moves.email_mime_image`.

- Pull request 72: Avoid creating reference cycles through tracebacks in

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