
Latest version: v2.4.3

Safety actively analyzes 621211 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Enh: (backport from Enterprise, internal ref SEF-202) Big boost for the broker daemons, especially for very large setups and slow modules (yes Graphite, I'm looking at you).
Enh: (backport from Enterprise ref:SEF-103) Slight boost of startup time by remiving useless hash computation.

Fix: (backport from Enterprise ref:SEF-76) In some case, we can have "negative" value for downtime depth, and then the element will never exit from downtime.


Not secure
Add: First version for a online profiling system, not enabled currently

Fix: Fix missing Services/Hosts in Livestatus (Close 1691)
Fix: initial_state mapping for hosts
Fix: Fix duration when a parent is down (Close 1779)
Add: Better logging for regenerator

Enh: HTML mail notifications fix and improvements
Enh: Change TCP Connect scan to TCP Syn scan with nmap for discovery features
Enh: Various Documentation


Not secure
Add: Service excludes/includes/overrides extension
Add: Implementation of inital_state
Add: Broks when host/service downtime is scheduled
Add: Solaris SMF manifests
Enh: Allow white space between foreach elements
Enh: Increase default http thread_pool to 16

Fix: Duplicate Service from template using duplicate_foreach with the same name
Fix: Service_(includes|excludes) template recursion
Fix: Service description with multi level inheritance
Fix: Default business rule notification options


Add: Safe Pickle
Add: Better Debian 8 Jessie support

Fix: Display_name when using duplicate_foreach
Fix: template definition loop did segfault python
Fix: Service Description inheritance when using several level of inheritance
Fix: cpu looping for receiver


Not secure
Add: Hosts - Service_includes feature. Similar to service_excludes
Add: Deprecation in the doc about the discovery part. Should be move to contrib or as a module in next versions
Add: (by Ddurieux) better logging of failed external modules

Enh: Actions - Catch stderr output
Enh: Arbiter - Unpickle new conf earlier. Prevent a memory issue
Enh: Config - Remove sudo from restart/reload commands
Enh: Daemon - Factorization of get_objects_from_from_queues
Enh: DaemonsLinks : Move files to object directory
Enh: Datamanager - Function get_contactgroup
Enh: Doc - A lot of typo and improvements!
Enh: Init Scripts - use readlink to avoid failure on symlinks
Enh: Modulesmanager - Reworking module loading, now try to import in 3 different ways
Enh: Pep8 : Shinken is now pep8 compliant (enforced by Travis) excepted for 3 specific rules
Enh: Scheduler - Use iterator instead of list when necessary. Reduce memory consumption
Enh: Setup - Refactoring to be virtualenv compatible
Enh: Tests - Stabilization

Del: Check Shinken script. It has its own repository
Del: Windows files from 1.4 version

Fix: Config Parsing - Arbiter module auto creation
Fix: Config Parsing - Infinite recursion loop in template
Fix: Config Parsing - Inheritance of custom variable
Fix: Config Parsing - Raise error properly in ArbiterLink object
Fix: Config Parsing - Type properties in Contact, NotificationWay and Arbiter objects
Fix: Escalations - escalated parameter in notification object and macro $NOTIFICATIONISESCALATED$ are set correctly
Fix: Event Handlers - Global event handlers parsing and launching
Fix: External Command - Internal argument for CHANGE_RETRY_HOST_CHECK_INTERVAL command
Fix: Realm - Bailout when there are two default realm
Fix: (reported by:Stéphane Loeuillet) init.d - Unset http(s)_proxy env variables in the init.d script (curl was using them by default)
Fix: (reported by: Arthur Lutz) CLI - manage shinken install call without arguments
Fix: (reported by mohierf) STATS - fix statsd format.
Fix: (reported by: Stéphane Loeuillet) Config Parsing - manage , case at the end of members list (hostgroups & contactgroups)
Fix: (reported by: Stéphane Loeuillet) Config Parsing - host check_period was mandatory with some parameters, now is missing always true period.
Fix: + char in servicegroups


Not secure
Add : Bottle - HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO support (for WebUI)
Add : BpRules - Expands bp_rules t flag from tags
Add : BpRules - Use standard macros expansion in bp_rules output
Add : Broks - new type unknown_check_result_brok (included in the previous add)
Add : CLI - update command for the install
Add : Contact - new parameter expert. For UI purpose
Add : Escalations - Time properties for host and service escalations
Add : External Commands - Reload-config function
Add : External Commands - support for reset modify attribute
Add : HTTP API - get_start_time call returning timestamp
Add : HTTP API - Inner stats can be sent to
Add : LogEvent - Output key to properties dict
Add : LogEvent - Pattern for FLAPPING events
Add : Receiver - Accept passive results from host or service not in configuration
Add : Realms - Handle properly multi level of realms
Add : SchedulingItem - callbacks for HOSTDOWNTIME and SERVICEDOWNTIME macros
Add : SchedulingItem - Parameter to remove host-service dependency
Add : Service Escalation - wildcard service_description
Add : Service - method get_service_tags (for WebUI)
Add : Snapshots - Feature to get more output when we have a bad state

Del : Move WebUI image and template to the good repo
Del : Pack Distribution tuning (hosts where fixd on the same scehduler between reload) - causing more damage in load balancing that it solve problems

Enh : CLI now exit with a real system return code when fail to install
Enh : Config - Module name formatting in config files
Enh : Config parsing - Refactoring to pythonize at object creation. Attribute have correct type very early.
Enh : Config parsing - Refactoring to reduce parse time, and scope code to ease future evolutions
Enh : Daemon - Refactor bailout and edit message
Enh : Datarange - Better datarange parsing
Enh : Deamon - additional call to os.setgroups to drop privileges
Enh : Doc - A lot of typo and improvments!
Enh : External Command - Moved manager initialization to init
Enh : Imports - use importlib when available to import module properly.
Enh : Init scripts - Refactoring script. Add LSB standard functions
Enh : Logger - Only use time rotated file handler for regular files
Enh : Logger - Refactoring logger class to inherit from standard logger class.
Enh : Logger - Use lazy logger syntax to enhance performances
Enh : Perfdata - Better internal parsing
Enh : Realm - Code refactoring
Enh : Scheduler - use a lock to acces put_result
Enh : SchedulingItem - use return_code attribute to remember plugin return code so that it is available in broks.
Enh : Tests - better Jenkins and Travis integration and Coverall support
Enh : Tests - Code cleaning
Enh : Tests - Use assert function from unittest2
Enh : Triggers - Try except statement when executing them

Fix : BpRules - '+' was causing segfault in some cases
Fix : Broker - Crash when sub process goes down
Fix : Config parsing - Unknown members list is common to all items
Fix : Daemon - Proper https URL
Fix : Daemons - Timeout and data timeout for scheduler connexion
Fix : Daemon - When replacing a daemon kill all processes in the group instead of one pid
Fix : Datamanager - Service totals and host totals computation
Fix : Discovery - Linux hosts with recent nmap versions
Fix : HTTP API - Code stabilization
Fix : HTTP API - Realm not displayed in get-all-states call
Fix : Init scripts - Use last python version
Fix : Logs - Manage pre-daemon logs.
Fix : Macroresolver - Move output_macros definition to avoid error in WebUI (eltdetail template)
Fix : Notifications - Master notifications must not be sent to reactionner so that we scatter them.
Fix : Passive reactionners are now working
Fix : Scheduler - Pack size for multi-schedulers environnements. Reduce memory consumption and boot time in big setup.
Fix : Scheduler - Segfault with circular service dependency loop
Fix : Scheduler - Skip compensate if daemon is not init
Fix : SchedulingItem - Bad behavior for use_aggressive_host_checking.
Fix : SchedulingItem - Up state for a host generates a recovery if necessary
Fix : SSL - Crash under Windows
Fix : Timeperiods - remove bad modulo calculation for months
Fix : Sub-sub-realms where not assigned to higer realms brokers/reactionners
Fix : Add callbacks for HOSTDOWNTIME and SERVICEDOWNTIME macros

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