
Latest version: v0.5.2

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* Replace all references to `lmfit.models.COMMON_DOC` with `lmfit.models.COMMON_INIT_DOC`


* Patch bug introduced in 0.5.0 during refactor of baseline offset params
* Patch bug in inline_ground_terminated_resonator_s11 guessing where a list was compared against a numpy array


* Deprecated cmplxIQ module in favor of hanger_resonator module. The functions are the same, only the names have changed. The cmplxIQ module will be removed in a future version.
* Added a new inline_resonator module to fitsS21. This module has fit functions for an inline, or transmission resonator.
* Added a new inline_ground_terminated_resonator_S11 module to fitsS21. This module has fit functions for the type of resonator described in Samuel J. Whiteley's dissertation (U. Chicago, 2019) equation 3.41.
* Fix a small math error in the hanger_resonator guessing module. Was accidentally subtracting the baseline instead of dividing by the baseline before finding the peak location. In most cases, with well-behaved baselines, this would not have introduced any errors.


* Version bump. No other changes.


* Fixed a bug in the ResonatorSweep smart-indexing logic by completely reworking the algorithm.


* Changed how tick labels are rotated to fix strange rounding errors on tick labels and problems
with tick labels not respecting interactive plot resizing.
* Added a `x_slice` keyword argument to the `plot_tools.plotResListData` function. This adds the
ability to only plot a portion of data. Currently does not check whether all resonators in list
have the same length data, so be aware of potential for an exception.

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