
Latest version: v5.0.8

Safety actively analyzes 621363 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix new clippy lints [\1408]( ([pcrumley](
- Add description for constellation identifier to bounds messages [\1407]( ([IsakTjernberg](
- Add weeks behavior flag to MSG\_GNSS\_TIME\_OFFSET [\1405]( ([jakalm](


[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add ASAN and UBSAN stages to CI, fix various errors [\1403]( ([woodfell](
- Disable Java sonar stage [\1402]( ([woodfell](


[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Add --unbuffered option to [\1400]( ([dgburr](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - ASIO C++ and ASIO Grpc libraries [\1399]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](
- Bump docker image used for rust build to 1.65 [\1396]( ([dgburr](
- Add MsgMeasurementPoint [\1388]( ([woodfell](



[v5.0.5]( (2024-01-03)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- `MsgUtcTime` implementation of `gps\_time` is not checking status flags [\1385](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Change default codeowner of /c from platform to algint [\1398]( ([woodfell](
- Don't use deprecated functions in sbp impl [\1397]( ([woodfell](
- Clarify timestamping descriptions [\1395]( ([reimerix](
- Parallel build all C tests from top level makefile [\1394]( ([woodfell](
- Use docker in GA [\1393]( ([woodfell](
- Bump node.js version to 18.17.0 [\1392]( ([woodfell](
- update web structs [\1391]( ([pcrumley](
- update how to for new rust instruction [\1390]( ([pcrumley](
- remove -i option from sed [\1389]( ([pcrumley](
- Add missing bindings to check generated artefacts CI stage [\1387]( ([woodfell](
- reduce number of python tests to 2 [\1386]( ([pcrumley](
- Deprecate legacy API [\1373]( ([woodfell](



[v5.0.4]( (2023-12-07)

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- `MsgGpsTime` implementation of `gps\_time` is not checking status flags [\1363](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix rust and js tests [\1383]( ([woodfell](
- Fix decoding of truncated messages containing variable length arrays [\1381]( ([woodfell](
- Replace swiftnav-adam with woodfell for additional reviewers [\1380]( ([woodfell](
- Fix incorrect specification of directory contents in read dir resp [\1379]( ([woodfell](
- Fix decoding fixed length arrays of struct in python sbp2json [\1378]( ([woodfell](
- Increase test coverage of C code [\1377]( ([woodfell](
- rust: check more messages for time validity [\1376]( ([notoriaga](
- rust: check time source for MsgGpsTime [\1375]( ([notoriaga](
- Run sonar cloud on C/C++ bindings [\1374]( ([woodfell](
- ignore dependabot PRs for additional reviewers action [\1372]( ([adrian-kong](
- Bon voyage! [\1370]( ([pcrumley]( Changelog


[v5.0.3]( (2023-10-19)

[Full Changelog](

**Merged pull requests:**

- handle new clippy lints [\1364]( ([pcrumley](
- Auto submodule update: cmake - Add suitesparse finder file \[OC-310\] \(\167\) [\1362]( ([swiftnav-svc-jenkins](

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