
Latest version: v0.8.0

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* FIXED: a bug with ``Array.__setitem__`` with the source being a 0-dimensional array.


* ADDED: ``inverse`` parameter for :py:class:`~reikna.fft.FFTShift` (contributed by drtpotter).

* ADDED: :py:meth:`~reikna.core.Type.with_dtype` method for :py:class:`~reikna.core.Type`.

* ADDED: :py:func:`~reikna.transformations.cast` transformation.

* ADDED: :py:meth:`~reikna.core.Type.broadcastable_to` method for :py:class:`~reikna.core.Type`.

* ADDED: added :py:func:`~reikna.transformations.copy_broadcasted` transformation.

* ADDED: :py:meth:`~reikna.cluda.api.Thread.get_cached_computation` method for :py:class:`~reikna.cluda.api.Thread`.

* ADDED: arrays now support setting arbitrary slices with scalars or arrays.

* ADDED: support for ``get()`` method for non-contiguous arrays.

* ADDED: :py:func:`~reikna.concatenate` for concatenating GPU arrays.

* ADDED: :py:func:`~reikna.roll` for GPU arrays and the inplace version :py:meth:`~reikna.cluda.api.Array.roll`.

* FIXED: updated the CUDA backend for the change ``async`` -> ``async_`` in the new versions of PyCUDA. Bumped PyOpenCL and PyCUDA versions to 2018.1.1.

* FIXED: an error in the conversion of `numpy.int64` to ctype for Windows.

* FIXED: an unstable type of ``nbytes`` in ``Thread.array()``, leading to problems with calling the C++ backend later on.

* FIXED: a bug where a nonzero offset was ignored when building an accessor macro for an array with a zero-length shape



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