
Latest version: v0.2.6

Safety actively analyzes 621776 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Correct random row choice for MSSQL (Joe Francis)
* Adjust sequences only for specified schemas (R Vrajmohan)
* Fix for arrays of ENUM (Federico Bertola)



* `--table` argument (birdonfire)
* table-related arguments support schema prefixes (birdonfire)
* Sequence updating now respects `--table` and `--exclude-table` (birdonfire)
* Force float division in ``_completeness_score`` (birdonfire)
* Add timestamp to log output (birdonfire)
* Fetch parent rows required by configured constraints (birdonfire)
* Respect cross-schema constraints (birdonfire)
* Support qualified table names in constraint keys (birdonfire)
* guarantee fetching 100% of `--full-table` tables (birdonfire)
* allow disabling of write buffering (brki)
* support event handlers (brki)
* packaging changed to wheel (jmcarp)
* documentation bug cleanup (jmcarp)
* use `coverage` (jmcarp)



* wildcards for `--exclude-table` (thanks jmcarp)
* `--full-table` arg



* Fixed ``input``/``raw_input`` Py2/3 bug (thanks mrchrisadams)
* Let `python subsetter.py` run directly, without installation (thanks amitsaha)
* Manually-specified constraints (thanks jmcarp)
* `--exclude-table` argument (jmcarp)
* Optimize by using bulk inserts (jmcarp)



* Set sequence values in test DB to avoid unique constraint violations (PG only)



* Accept ``schema`` argument
* Handle foreign keys that cross schema boundaries

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