
Latest version: v1.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 621688 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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The old way of importing the `gedcom` package was like this: `from gedcom import Gedcom`.

The new package code is separated into individual modules within the package. So `Parser` (the actual parser which was named `Gedcom`) would be imported like this:
`from gedcom.parser import Parser`, since the `Parser` class lies within the module `parser` within the package `gedcom`.

Same procedure for the `Element` class: `from gedcom.element.element import Element`, since the `Element` class lies
within the package `gedcom`, the subpackage `element` and the module `element`.

This allows for better maintainability and scalability.

If there are any questions or you encounter a bug please open an issue [here](


- Updated project structure ([18](
- Fixed `` outputting correct markdown when reading the `` ([16](
- Applied Flake8 code style and **added explicit error handling**
- Set up test suite


- Made `surname_match` and `given_match` case insensitive ([10](
- Added new `is_child` method ([10](


- Assemble marriages properly ([9](
- Return the top NAME record instead of the last one ([9](


- Support BOM control characters ([5](
- Support the last line not having a CR and/or LF
- Support incorrect line splitting generated by Ancestry. Insert CONT/CONC tag as necessary ([6](


- Changed broken links to GEDCOM format specification ([2](

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