
Latest version: v4.3.1

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Bug Fixes
* Fix socketcand erroneously discarding frames (1700)
* Fix initialization order in EtasBus (1693, 1704)

* Fix install instructions for neovi (1694, 1697)



Breaking Changes
* Raise Minimum Python Version to 3.8 (1597)
* Do not stop notifier if exception was handled (1645)

Bug Fixes
* Vector: channel detection fails, if there is an active flexray channel (1634)
* ixxat: Fix exception in 'state' property on bus coupling errors (1647)
* NeoVi: Fixed serial number range (1650)
* PCAN: Fix timestamp offset due to timezone (1651)
* Catch `pywintypes.error` in broadcast manager (1659)
* Fix BLFReader error for incomplete or truncated stream (1662)
* PCAN: remove Windows registry check to fix 32bit compatibility (1672)
* Vector: Skip the `can_op_mode check` if the device reports `can_op_mode=0` (1678)
* Vector: using the config from `detect_available_configs` might raise XL_ERR_INVALID_CHANNEL_MASK error (1681)


* Add `modifier_callback` parameter to `BusABC.send_periodic` for auto-modifying cyclic tasks (703)
* Add `protocol` property to BusABC to determine active CAN Protocol (1532)
* Change Bus constructor implementation and typing (1557)
* Add optional `strict` parameter to relax BitTiming & BitTimingFd Validation (1618)
* Add `BitTiming.iterate_from_sample_point` static methods (1671)

* Can Player compatibility with interfaces that use additional configuration (1610)

Interface Improvements
* Kvaser: Add BitTiming/BitTimingFd support to KvaserBus (1510)
* Ixxat: Implement `detect_available_configs` for the Ixxat bus. (1607)
* NeoVi: Enable send and receive on network ID above 255 (1627)
* Vector: Send HighPriority Message to flush Tx buffer (1636)
* PCAN: Optimize send performance (1640)
* PCAN: Support version string of older PCAN basic API (1644)
* Kvaser: add parameter exclusive and `override_exclusive` (1660)
* socketcand: Add parameter `tcp_tune` to reduce latency (1683)

* Distinguish Text/Binary-IO for Reader/Writer classes. (1585)
* Convert to pyproject.toml (1592)
* activate ruff pycodestyle checks (1602)
* Update linter instructions in development.rst (1603)
* remove unnecessary script files (1604)
* BigEndian test fixes (1625)
* align `ID:` in can.Message string (1635)
* Use same configuration file as Linux on macOS (1657)
* We do not need to account for drift when we `USE_WINDOWS_EVENTS` (1666, 1679)
* Update linters, activate more ruff rules (1669)
* Add Python 3.12 Support / Test Python 3.12 (1673)



Bug Fixes
* Fix socketcan KeyError (1598, 1599).
* Fix IXXAT not properly shutdown message (1606).
* Fix Mf4Reader and TRCReader incompatibility with extra CLI args (1610).
* Fix decoding error in Kvaser constructor for non-ASCII product name (1613).



Bug Fixes
* The ASCWriter now logs the correct channel for error frames (1578, 1583).
* Fix PCAN library detection (1579, 1580).
* On Windows, the first two periodic frames were sent without delay (1590).



Breaking Changes
* The ``can.BitTiming`` class was replaced with the new
``can.BitTiming`` and `can.BitTimingFd` classes (1468, 1515).
Early adopters of ``can.BitTiming`` will need to update their code. Check the
for more information. Currently, the following interfaces support the new classes:
* canalystii (1468)
* cantact (1468)
* nixnet (1520)
* pcan (1514)
* vector (1470, 1516)

There are open pull requests for kvaser (1510), slcan (1512) and usb2can (1511). Testing
and reviewing of these open PRs would be most appreciated.


* Add support for MF4 files (1289).
* Add support for version 2 TRC files and other TRC file enhancements (1530).

Type Annotations
* Export symbols to satisfy type checkers (1547, 1551, 1558, 1568).

Interface Improvements
* Add ``__del__`` method to ``can.BusABC`` to automatically release resources (1489, 1564).
* pcan: Update PCAN Basic to (1481).
* pcan: Use select instead of polling on Linux (1410).
* socketcan: Use ip link JSON output in ``find_available_interfaces`` (1478).
* socketcan: Enable SocketCAN interface tests in GitHub CI (1484).
* slcan: improve receiving performance (1490).
* usb2can: Stop using root logger (1483).
* usb2can: Faster channel detection on Windows (1480).
* vector: Only check sample point instead of tseg & sjw (1486).
* vector: add VN5611 hwtype (1501).

* Add new section about related tools to documentation. Add a list of
plugin interface packages (1457).

Bug Fixes
* Automatic type conversion for config values (1498, 1499).
* pcan: Fix ``Bus.__new__`` for CAN-FD interfaces (1458, 1460).
* pcan: Fix Detection of Library on Windows on ARM (1463).
* socketcand: extended ID bug fixes (1504, 1508).
* vector: improve robustness against unknown HardwareType values (1500, 1502).

* The ``bustype`` parameter of ``can.Bus`` is deprecated and will be
removed in version 5.0, use ``interface`` instead. (1462).
* The ``context`` parameter of ``can.Bus`` is deprecated and will be
removed in version 5.0, use ``config_context`` instead. (1474).
* The ``bit_timing`` parameter of ``CantactBus`` is deprecated and will be
removed in version 5.0, use ``timing`` instead. (1468).
* The ``bit_timing`` parameter of ``CANalystIIBus`` is deprecated and will be
removed in version 5.0, use ``timing`` instead. (1468).
* The ``brs`` and ``log_errors`` parameters of `` NiXNETcanBus`` are deprecated
and will be removed in version 5.0. (1520).

* Use high resolution timer on Windows to improve
timing precision for BroadcastManager (1449).
* Improve ThreadBasedCyclicSendTask timing (1539).
* Make code examples executable on Linux (1452).
* Fix CanFilter type annotation (1456).
* Fix ``The entry_points().get`` deprecation warning and improve
type annotation of ``can.interfaces.BACKENDS`` (1465).
* Add ``ignore_config`` parameter to ``can.Bus`` (1474).
* Add deprecation period to utility function ``deprecated_args_alias`` (1477).
* Add `ruff` to the CI system (1551)



Breaking Changes

* ``windows-curses`` was moved to optional dependencies (1395).
Use ``pip install python-can[viewer]`` if you are using the ``can.viewer``
script on Windows.
* The attributes of ``can.interfaces.vector.VectorChannelConfig`` were renamed
from camelCase to snake_case (1422).



* The canutils logger preserves message direction (1244)
and uses common interface names (e.g. can0) instead of just
channel numbers (1271).
* The ``can.logger`` script accepts the ``-a, --append`` option
to add new data to an existing log file (1326, 1327, 1361).
Currently only the blf-, canutils- and csv-formats are supported.
* All CLI ``extra_args`` are passed to the bus, logger
and player initialisation (1366).
* Initial support for TRC files (1217)

Type Annotations
* python-can now includes the ``py.typed`` marker to support type checking
according to PEP 561 (1344).

Interface Improvements
* The gs_usb interface can be selected by device index instead
of USB bus/address. Loopback frames are now correctly marked
with the ``is_rx`` flag (1270).
* The PCAN interface can be selected by its device ID instead
of just the channel name (1346).
* The PCAN Bus implementation supports auto bus-off reset (1345).
* SocketCAN: Make ``find_available_interfaces()`` find slcanX interfaces (1369).
* Vector: Add xlGetReceiveQueueLevel, xlGenerateSyncPulse and
xlFlushReceiveQueue to xldriver (1387).
* Vector: Raise a CanInitializationError, if the CAN settings can not
be applied according to the arguments of ``VectorBus.__init__`` (1426).
* Ixxat bus now implements BusState api and detects errors (1141)

Bug Fixes

* Improve robustness of USB2CAN serial number detection (1129).
* Fix channel2int conversion (1268, 1269).
* Fix BLF timestamp conversion (1266, 1273).
* Fix timestamp handling in udp_multicast on macOS (1275, 1278).
* Fix failure to initiate the Neousys DLL (1281).
* Fix AttributeError in IscanError (1292, 1293).
* Add missing vector devices (1296).
* Fix error for DLC > 8 in ASCReader (1299, 1301).
* Set default mode for FileIOMessageWriter to wt instead of rt (1303).
* Fix conversion for port number from config file (1309).
* Fix fileno error on Windows (1312, 1313, 1333).
* Remove redundant ``writer.stop()`` call that throws error (1316, 1317).
* Detect and cast types of CLI ``extra_args`` (1280, 1328).
* Fix ASC/CANoe incompatibility due to timestamp format (1315, 1362).
* Fix MessageSync timings (1372, 1374).
* Fix file name for compressed files in SizedRotatingLogger (1382, 1683).
* Fix memory leak in neoVI bus where message_receipts grows with no limit (1427).
* Raise ValueError if gzip is used with incompatible log formats (1429).
* Allow restarting of transmission tasks for socketcan (1440)


* Allow ICSApiError to be pickled and un-pickled (1341)
* Sort interface names in CLI API to make documentation reproducible (1342)
* Exclude repository-configuration from git-archive (1343)
* Improve documentation (1397, 1401, 1405, 1420, 1421, 1434)
* Officially support Python 3.11 (1423)
* Migrate code coverage reporting from Codecov to Coveralls (1430)
* Migrate building docs and publishing releases to PyPi from Travis-CI to GitHub Actions (1433)

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