
Latest version: v14.0

Safety actively analyzes 621854 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Bug fixes

- Fix missing teardown for non-function scoped fixtures when using only_rerun or rerun_except queries.
(`234 <>`_)
and (`241 <>`_)

Breaking changes

- Drop support for Python 3.7.

- Drop support for pytest < 7.2.


- Add support for pytest 8.0, 8.1.



Breaking changes

- Drop support for pytest < 7.0.


- Add support for Python 3.12.

Bug fixes

- Fix crashitem names mismatch between client and server.
(`172 <>`_)

- Fix crash when setup fails with --rerun-except flag.
(`230 <>`_)



Breaking changes

- Drop support for pytest < 6.2.


- Add ``only_rerun`` and ``rerun_except`` arguments to ``pytest.mark.flaky`` marker.

- Add support for pytest 7.3, 7.4.

Bug fixes

- Failures are now rerun only if they match at least one ``--only-rerun``
pattern (if given) and none of the ``--rerun-except`` patterns. Previously,
using both ``--only-rerun`` and ``--rerun-except`` together could cause
failures to be rerun even if they did not match any ``--only-rerun``
pattern, and when using multiple ``--rerun-except`` patterns, all failures
would be rerun unless they matched every pattern.
(`225 <>`_)



Bug fixes

- Execute teardown when test was skipped in setup phase of a fixture.



Bug fixes

- Fix crash during teardown when runtest protocol hook is overwritten by
another plugin.

- Fix crash during teardown when TestCase class is used as base class.



Bug fixes

- Run teardown of session, class, ... scoped fixtures only once after rerunning tests


- Expose ``reruns`` and ``reruns_delay`` through ``pytest.ini`` file.

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