
Latest version: v0.8.1

Safety actively analyzes 620778 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Ignore AttributeError when shutting down server
Add support for Python 3.12 (or at least, list it explicitly in the classifiers)
Update the AUTHORS file



Improve deployment workflow to use trusted publishing and upload to Test PyPI first
Remove a bunch of obsolete code
Clean up the smtp module's driver code



Update SMTP server code to work with aiosmtpd >=1.4.3
Fix GitHub Actions configuration for Python 3.5 and 3.6
Add support for Python 3.11 (or at least, list it explicitly in the classifiers)
Update the AUTHORS file
Add a workflow to push packages to PyPI using GitHub Actions



Make smtp support an optional extra
Update some obsolete syntax to drop support for Python 2
Add linting for code and workflow actions using pre-commit hooks
Expand the range of pytest versions known to be compatible, with tests
Add badges to README



Drop support for Python 3.3 and 3.4
Use setuptools_scm for managing versions of this package
Support sending chunked responses from the HTTP server
Switch SMTP server backend from smtpd to aiosmtpd



Explicitly list supported Python versions with python_requires in

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