
Latest version: v1.0.10

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.. _Release Notes_1.0.10_New Features:

New Features

- When there's no handler for the request, add more details to the response
sent by the server about the request to help debugging.

.. _Release Notes_1.0.10_Other Notes:

Other Notes

- Use ruff for linting. It includes some source code changes which should not
introduce functional changes, or API changes.

.. _Release Notes_1.0.9:



.. _Release Notes_1.0.9_New Features:

New Features

- Add ``__repr__`` to ``RequestHandler`` object so when it is compared (eg. with
the ``log`` attribute of the server) it will show the matcher parameters.

.. _Release Notes_1.0.8:



.. _Release Notes_1.0.8_Bug Fixes:

Bug Fixes

- Version 1.0.7 has been released with incorrect dependencies. This is fixed now.

.. _Release Notes_1.0.7:



.. _Release Notes_1.0.7_Upgrade Notes:

Upgrade Notes

- With werkzeug 2.3.x the headers type has been updated to not allow integers as header values. This restriction followed up in pytest-httpserver.

.. _Release Notes_1.0.7_Deprecation Notes:

Deprecation Notes

- Python versions earlier than 3.8 have been deprecated in order to support
the latest werkzeug. Users using 3.7 or earlier python may use
pytest-httpserver with earlier werkzeug versions but tests are no longer run
for these python versions.

.. _Release Notes_1.0.7_Bug Fixes:

Bug Fixes

- Type hinting for header_value_matcher has been fixed. From now, specifying a
callable as ``Callable[[str, Optional[str], str], bool]`` will be accepted
also. Providing a ``HeaderValueMatcher`` object will be also accepted as
before, as it provides the same callable signature.

- Fix Werkzeug deprecation warning about ``parse_authorization_header`` call.
Replace ``parse_authorization_header`` with ``Authorization.from_header`` as
suggested. This fix should not introduce any functional change for the

- Fix Werkzeug deprecation warning about ``werkzeug.urls.url_decode`` call. This
call has been changed to ``urllib.parse.parse_qsl`` in the implementation.
This fix should not introduce any functional change for the users.

.. _Release Notes_1.0.6:



.. _Release Notes_1.0.6_New Features:

New Features

- Add a new way of running tests with the blocking mode. In this mode, the
http server is synchronized to the main thread and the client code is run in
a separate thread.

.. _Release Notes_1.0.6_Bug Fixes:

Bug Fixes

- Python version classifier updated in pyproject.toml (which updates pypi also)

.. _Release Notes_1.0.5:



.. _Release Notes_1.0.5_Bug Fixes:

Bug Fixes

- Packaging of sdist and the wheel fixed by adding the extra files only to the sdist and not to the wheel.

.. _Release Notes_1.0.4:

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