
Latest version: v0.3.2

Safety actively analyzes 619324 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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**Implemented enhancements:**
- Support VSN calculation
- Save number of (mappable) reads as a file for replotting
- Improve minimum coefficient obtaining method

**Fixed bugs:**
- Avoid arctanh divergence


- Drop python3.4 support
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Use Fisher's r-to-z transformation to averaging coefficients
- Add chromosome selecting options


**Implemented enhancements:**
- Add `--mask-size` option to avoid calling the phantom peak a library length.
Warnings messages were also implemented.

**Fixed bugs:**
- Fix read counter for unmapped reads.
- Fix bigwig reader.
- Fix mappability stats loader.


**Implemented enhancements:**
- Include pre-built C sources and support both pre-built source installation and
native Cython compile (cython is no longer mandatory dependency).
- Check compatible python versions. (3.4 and 3.7 additionally)
- Scipy is no longer required.

**Fixed bugs:**
- Omit `functools.partialmethod` to keep python2 compatibility.
- Fix minor argparse issues and a error message.


**Fixed bugs:**
- Reduce smooth window default size to 15 (Longer lengths are suitable for
samples with long fragments (such as broad sources) but it's not robust.)
- Use read lengths calculated from CIGAR alignments instead of sequence lengths
- Fix build issue


**Implemented enhancements:**
- Add `pymasc-plot` command
- Optimize the default window size for moving average filter for mappability
sensitive cross-correlation (change from 15 to 100)
- Add annotations to figures about expected library length

**Fixed bugs:**
- Fix bugs relate to mappability sensitive cross-correlation calculation
Now `bitarray` and `successive` implementations return exactly same results

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