
Latest version: v0.5.0.post1

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- Fix syntax problems with the rst files of the documentation
- Fix docstrings of some python methods
- Fix version of the dependencies
- Fix the float index error from the ```` script
- Fix the cosine drift problem caused by the latest version of ``numpy``
- Fix the error caused by trying to compute the `log(0)` in the entropy function
- Fix the bug of the `free_energy_computation` function when the HRF is not estimated.


- Requirements file (``requirements.txt``) for developing and installation
- Improvement of the installation script (````)

+ Auto-install of dependencies using ``pip`` and the ``requirements.txt`` file.
+ Python version 2.7.x required
+ C extensions are only compiled when PyHRF is built or installed. The same for the installation of the dependencies
+ The outputs of the installation script are colored in order to highlight important information

- Documentation

+ Improvement readability of the ``README`` and ``CHANGELOG`` files.
+ Improvement of the documentation with detailed VEM formulas
+ Extension of the documentation with the NeuroElf based visualization tool
+ Extension of the documentation with the installation steps for different GNU/Linux distributions
+ Extension of the documentation with a developer section
+ Deprecated sections of the documentation are hidden


- PyHRF visualization tool based on the `NeuroElf <>`_ tool
- Creation of a `Dockerfile <>`_

+ Sharing the docker image on Docker Hub (`pyrhf/pyhrf`)
+ The CI service (``travis``) runs the tests and the coveralls using the docker image
+ The releases are now generated using and creating a docker image

- Documentation

+ Using a responsive, friendly and beautiful Sphinx theme (``sphinx_bootstrap_theme``)
+ Using `readthedocs <>`_ to build automatically the documentation


- Optimization of some VEM methods

+ ``pyhrf.vbjde.vem_tools.create_conditions``
+ ``pyhrf.vbjde.vem_tools.create_neighbours``
+ ``pyhrf.vbjde.vem_tools.poly_drifts_basis``
+ ``pyhrf.vbjde.vem_tools.cosine_drifts_basis``
+ ``pyhrf.vbjde.vem_tools.norm1_constraint``
+ ``pyhrf.vbjde.vem_tools.nrls_expectation``
+ ``pyhrf.vbjde.vem_tools.hrf_entropy``
+ ``pyhrf.vbjde.vem_tools.two_gamma_hrf``
+ ``pyhrf.vbjde.vem_tools.ppms_computation``
+ ``pyhrf.vbjde.vem_tools.computeFit``
+ ``pyhrf.vbjde.vem_tools.contrasts_mean_var_classes``
+ ``pyhrf.vbjde.vem_bold.jde_vem_bold``




- Remove non-existing tests in devel mode
- Correct typo in documentation
- Correct list display in documentation
- Fix bug for ``numpy >= 1.11.1`` version
- Fix bug in contrasts computation
- Clean ``tmp`` folders after some unitary tests
- Fix VEM script example




- Fix VEM algorithm

+ Fix convergence criteria computation
+ Fix underflow and overflow in labels expectation (set labels to previous
value if necessary)

- Continue to clean ````
- Fix some ``DeprecationWarning`` that will become ``Exceptions`` in the future
- Fix detection of parcellation files
- Fix for ``scikit-learn`` version >= 0.17
- Fix bugs with ``matplotlib`` versions >1.4
- Fix bug with ``Pillow`` latest version (see `146 <>`_)
- Fix bug with ``numpy`` when installing in virtual environment (see commit `a971656 <>`_)
- Fix the zero constraint on HRF borders


- Optimize some functions in vem_tools
- Rewrite and optimize all VEM steps
- Remove old calls to verbose module and replaced them by logging standard library module
- Update website documentation


- Updating documentation

+ Updating theme
+ Fixing some reST and display errors

- Auto-detect CPUs number (mainly to use on cluster and not yet documented)
- Add covariance regularization matrix
- Load contrasts from ``SPM.mat``
- Save contrasts in the same order that the xml configuration file
- Compute and save PPMs
- Add multi-session support for VEM BOLD and ASL
- Add cosine drifts to VEM
- Add command-line for VEM
- Add `Stanford Willard Parcellation <>`_




- Missing function (see `135 <>`_)
- ``nipy`` version required for installation (see `134 <>`_)




- Logging level not set by command line (see `113 <>`_)
- Error with VEM algorithm (see `115 <>`_)


- Clean and update (see `84 <>`_)
- Update travis configuration file (see `123 <>`_)



API Changes

- Deprecate verbose module and implements logging module instead


- Clean up


*No changelog for previous versions*

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