
Latest version: v9.0.0

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Touch versions in

Update CHANGELOG for 8.0.0 changes. Fix examples to work without eyeD3 and to use 7digital-US catalog. Handle all 2xx, 4xx, 5xx response codes.

Don't create detailed analysis unless requested. Saves a bunch of time. Get attributes from the audio_summary, not by name.

Roll version to 8.0.0 since we are deleting the deprecated playlist methods.

Bump version to 7.3.0 for playlist deletions, new audio attributes.

Integrate valence, acousticness attributes for songs and tracks.

remove DeprecatedPlaylist

invalidate_song _artist


Merge pull request 18 from njl/create_catalog_by_name_factory_function

Factory function to create a catalog by name, avoiding the profile call.
Adds a factory function to create a catalog by name, avoiding the profile call.

add list_genres
genres fix in
genres field
Merge branch 'master' of

do not do logger.basicConfig

Merge pull request 14 from alex/patch-1

Removed print statements
Removed print statements

It's inappropriate for a library to be printing to stdout.
Update pyechonest/

Returning cat.
fix up long_description,

add support for Catalog.keyvalues(); version upped to 7.1.0

CHANGELOG and updates

Merge branch 'master' of

don't wrap in a try/except, let the exception bubble up

Merge pull request 13 from sebpiq/master

minor doc fix
small doc fix
dont crash if total isn't provided
Add some current contributors
bump version + update CHANGELOG

Deprecate the legacy Playlist, move BetaPlaylist to Playlist, add in support for new session catalog feature

more doc and .gitignore tweaks

fix up some minor doc issues

Delete old GITMOVE doc file.

bump version + update CHANGELOG

Bump version number for deletion of track/analyze methods.

Fixup comment and code in get_song_type. Improve/update comments on audio profile.

Eliminate track/analyze methods track_from_reanalyzing_id and track_from_reanalyzing_md5. Merge pull requests for timeout handling on profile calls. Fixup exception messages.

Merge pull request 12 from andreasjansson/master

Respect timeouts in track._wait_for_pending_track. Improve exception strings.
respect timeout in _wait_for_pending_track

This really bothered me, sorry

list_catalogs instead of list, resultlist response from catalog/list

bump version

don't override builtin list, return ResultList for catalog list call


Support for song_type in song and playlist; bump version, update changelog

bump version

add a changelog, fix some spacing

debugging: The 'info' playlist call is unnecessary unless a user wants debug information

exception-handling: Encapsulate URL/HTTP errors in a new general class
Added EchoNestException and EchoNestIOError so that a user can use a single point for exception handling.
Note, I maintained the self.code, which was truncated before.

Merge pull request 7 from psobot/patch-1

Renamed call to non-existent function (_track_from_string) in exception handler.
Fixed bad function name (_track_from_string)
Make all track/analyze calls async.

Guard against empty song results when getting an audio summary.


Support tracks that do not have audio analysis.

Adding twitter functionality.

Adding qupdate functionality and get_item_dicts().

add manifest, bump release

beta playlist support for new dynamic playlist api, move version parameter to a single place

Added distribution parameter to static playlists, some extra info when errors are thrown, and basic playlist docs.

Add speechiness

Add sandbox methods.

don't choke if an artist does not have songs.
Don't send None to server

Fix item_id bug.

Add track_id parameters to playlist and song profile calls, add adventurousness, and catalog/read item ids.

static playlist method static now accepts dmca parameter

Edited pyechonest/ via GitHub

Merge pull request 1 from echonest/setup-readme-fix

Fix name in
Fix name in

update doc source

Merge branch 'master' of

Edited via GitHub
update gitmove

update with info about gh-pages

build documentation

added gh-pages submodule

remove submodule

updated submodule?

Merge branch 'master' of

Edited via GitHub

spell scotty's name correctly, know the alphabet, re-order readme a teensy bit

better example

fix up readme a bit

add GITMOVE info

mkrelease works for real now

update docs

increment version for initial github release

update with new github deets

fix mkrelease script for git

bringing built html into project

add gh-pages submodule

remove doc/build/html

Add version parameter to song/identify, new release

Increment version number.

Bugfix for de-pluralization of the bucket parameter.



add back in until we fix remix

updated to include artist.list_terms()

updated docs for new version


latest version updates



increment minor version

rm old gen_docs script, fix sphinx docs to compile cleanly

don't munge socket timeout

by default, use any license type

propset for html viewing

add clean docs

remove docs to add clean set

release-maker script

updated version and

remove old documentation in favor of sphinx docs

remove old documentation in favor of sphinx docs


fix examples and README



version no

mime types

mime type for javascript

newest release version no

mime types for doc

propset html for docs

pyechonest documentation

removed docs

pyechonest documentation



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