
Latest version: v0.16.1

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idx = ["P1", "P2"]
clm = daymet.get_bycoords(coords, range(2000, 2021), coords_id=idx, to_xarray=True)

Internal Changes

- Use `pyupgrade` package to update the type hinting annotations to Python 3.10 style.
- Fix the Daymet server URL.


Release Notes

New Features

- Add a new function for getting Daymet data from Microsoft\'s [Planetary Computer]( called `get_bystac`. Although this function can be much faster than `get_bygeom`, currently, it gives access to Daymet v4.2 from 1980 to 2020. As discussed [here](, the Daymet v4.5 will be added to the Planetary Computer in the future. Until then, for accessing the latest version of Daymet (v4.5) you need to use `get_bygeom`. Additionally, this function requires `fsspec`, `dask`, `zarr`, and `pystac-client` packages.
- Make `separate_snow` a standalone, pure, and public function. Now, it can be used like so: `pydaymet.separate_snow`.
- Change the length unit from `km` to `m` for `get_bygeom`.

Internal Changes

- The `potential_et` function uses `py3dep.add_elevation` function but the CRS info gets lost in the process for the new `elevation` variable. This version fixes this issue by adding the CRS info to the `elevation` variable.
- Change `PetParams` class from `NamedTuple` to `dataclass` for better performance and consistency. Now, it has a new `classmethod` called `fields` that returns a list of the four fields of the class.


Release Notes

Breaking Changes

- Bump min version of `shapely` to 2.

Internal Changes

- Use the new `py3dep.add_elevation` API.


Release Notes

Internal Changes

- Remove dependency on `dask`.


Release Notes

Bug Fixes

- Fix HyRiver libraries requirements by specifying a range instead of exact version so `conda-forge` can resolve the dependencies.


Release Notes

From release 0.15 onward, all minor versions of HyRiver packages will be pinned. This ensures that previous minor versions of HyRiver packages cannot be installed with later minor releases. For example, if you have `py3dep==0.14.x` installed, you cannot install `pydaymet==0.15.x`. This is to ensure that the API is consistent across all minor versions.

New Features

- For now, retain compatibility with `shapely<2` while supporting `shapley>=2`.

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