
Latest version: v3.1.0

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* added nfts (beta) endpoints (/nfts/list, /nfts/{id}, /nfts/{asset_platform_id}/contract/{contract_address})
* updated tests



* removed deprecated endpoints (status_updates, finance and events):
* /coins/{id}/status_updates -> cg.get_coin_status_updates_by_id()
* /exchanges/{id}/status_updates -> cg.get_exchanges_status_updates_by_id()
* /finance_platforms -> cg.get_finance_platforms()
* /finance_products -> cg.get_finance_products()
* /status_updates -> cg.get_status_updates()
* /events -> cg.get_events()
* /events/countries -> cg.get_events_countries()
* /events/types -> cg.get_events_types()
* removed deprecated api_base_url param from CoinGeckoAPI init



* added /search endpoint
* added CoinGecko Pro API support using api_key param in CoinGeckoAPI init (required in PRO version API calls)
* added ability to modify how many retries to do in requests session using param retries in CoinGeckoAPI init (default: retries=5)
* fixed session to mount retry adapter on https instead of http
* fixed params passed in get_coin_market_chart_range_from_contract_address_by_id for /coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}/market_chart/range endpoint



* added /indexes/{market_id}/{id} and /companies/public_treasury/{coin_id} endpoints



* added asset_platforms (/asset_platforms) and categories (/coins/categories/list, coins/categories) endpoints



* allow Python Lists and Booleans for any endpoint parameter (list converted to comma-separated string & bool converted to lower case string)
* removed /indexes/{id} endpoint (Get market index by id) -> cg.get_indexes_by_id()
* improved request exceptions handling (Fixed unbound local exception on GET request failure)

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