
Latest version: v0.7.1

Safety actively analyzes 621924 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- ca8cdd9 Fix aiohttp requirements
- fdee2b7 Update dependency aiohttp to v3.9.3
- 2b1f86e Bump aiohttp from 3.9.1 to 3.9.2
- a46388f Update pre-commit hook python-jsonschema/check-jsonschema to v0.27.4
- 25cd293 Update pre-commit hook charliermarsh/ruff-pre-commit to v0.1.15
- 57bd40f Update dependency aiohttp to v3.9.3
- 24b0e98 Update pre-commit hook psf/black to v24
- 5397fef Update pre-commit hook igorshubovych/markdownlint-cli to v0.39.0
- 8dd8404 Update dependency aiohttp to v3.9.2
- 7e1af38 Update pre-commit hook charliermarsh/ruff-pre-commit to v0.1.14
- 5de10b2 Update pre-commit hook charliermarsh/ruff-pre-commit to v0.1.13
- de4a82a Update pre-commit hook pycqa/flake8 to v7
- b6bafa9 Update pre-commit hook charliermarsh/ruff-pre-commit to v0.1.11
- 08108c5 Update pre-commit hook charliermarsh/ruff-pre-commit to v0.1.10
- ee92fa8 Update pre-commit hook pre-commit/mirrors-mypy to v1.8.0
- 62f16cd Update pre-commit hook psf/black to v23.12.1
- 7009233 Update pre-commit hook charliermarsh/ruff-pre-commit to v0.1.9



- 9095f1f Bump to version 0.7.0
- ad6a184 Enable pre-commit updates and automerge for renovate
- 439c7f8 Add renovate.json
- ba9c6cc Update etf endpoint url and fix search



- 3d9b815 Bump to version 0.6.0
- 91cacd1 Add enum for instrument type
- 5f4dab7 Add function to search for instruments



- 6d4b342 Bump to version 0.5.0
- 368076e Add function to get index
- 16fa11c Refactor and improve tests
- be31c9b Add function to get etf
- 8fafc96 Update rev of pre-commit repos
- 9802a27 Refactor into get url functions



- 4711f4a Update readme
- 71e947b Add pytest
- 7973e6e Update build and release and publish scripts
- 06407a2 Update decoding of http response
- ca42341 Huge refactor



- 1d1a29c Bump to version 0.3.1
- 14a7e87 Bump aiohttp
- 2f47684 Updgrade gitlint to 0.15.0
- 0e44ab6 Change default branch from master to main
- 405379f Run actions on multiple python versions
- a312e9b Add codespell to lint action
- 0e38ac4 Add pyupgrade to lint action
- 197651e Update yamllint to 1.24.2
- 0a984e6 Update isort to 5.5.1
- de91442 Update mypy to 0.782
- bd1c795 Update black to 20.8b1
- 15ecbcb Upgrade flake8 to 3.8.3
- fbc6756 Upgrade isort to 5.4.2
- 8ddee58 Upgrade pylint to 2.6.0
- 301f594 Fetch all history in release job
- 8d6e256 Run markdownlint in lint action
- 5109a1f Make black fail if code not formatted correctly
- d9cef8e Fix pylint errors and warnings
- 7caca88 Add pylint to lint action
- 7de844c Add search examples to README
- 8d3eac3 Add alternate text to images

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