
Latest version: v8.5.7

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Fix issues:
* Fix issue 1745: `--pack` with PyInstaller 6.6 raises exception


New feature:
* Support new configuration item `runtime:patch_extension` to enable/disable patching extension `pyarmor_runtime`, the main purpose is to solve code sign issue in Darwin
* Option `--pack` supports new value `FC`, `DC` to clean output path without prompt

Fix issues:
* Refine pack output log to make it clear


New feature:

**Option `--pack` support constant `onefile` and `onedir`, both of them work for PyInstaller 6.0+**

In previous versions `--pack` only accepts executable generated by PyInstaller < 6.0.

Since v8.5.4, it accepts string constant `onefile` or `onefolder`, support PyInstaller 6.0+ and previous versions too. User need not call PyInstaller, pyarmor will do everything. For example, obfuscate plain script `` and pack the output to one executable just by this one command:

pyarmor gen --pack onefile


Upgrade Notes:

**The behaviour of option `--private` is changed**

In previous versions the plain script could NOT import the module obfuscated by `--private`. Now the plain script could import this obfuscated module, but could not visit module attribute `__dict__`.

If still need keep old behaviours, run command `pyarmor cfg private_module_as_restrict=1` once before generating the obfuscated scripts.

Fix issues:
* Fix issue 1712: Group license does't work in Windows.x86
* Fix issue: registering Pyarmor failed if firewall blocks extension `pytransform3`


Fix issues:
* `pyarmor man` raises `normpath` issuse


Fix issues:
* In some Windows x86 platform it raises exception: `unsupported arch "x86"`
* Fix Python 3.12 issue 1710: `ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils'`

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