
Latest version: v1.3.2

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Added CSP (Content Security Policy) middleware to stop malicious SVG files from executing JavaScript. This was possible if:

* Local media storage was enabled
* SVG uploads were allowed from untrusted sources
* When viewing an uploaded SVG in Piccolo Admin, if you open the SVG in a new tab then it's possible for JavaScript embedded in the SVG file to run.

It's recommended that you upgrade to this version. Thanks to Skelmis for this.


Fixed a bug with the bulk update button not being translated.

Thanks to jrycw for reporting the issue, and sinisaos for the fix.


Added translations for Traditional Chinese (thanks to jrycw for this).


Fixed a bug with filtering ``Array`` columns when choices are defined. Thanks to sinisaos for discovering the solution.


Fixed a bug with ``Array`` columns which have choices defined. Both a ``select`` and ``input`` widget were being shown in some situations.


Python 3.12

Added Python 3.12 support.

Improved Filtering

When filtering ``Varchar`` and ``Text`` columns, you can now specify the ``match``. Previously, it always defaulted to ``contains``, but now you can specify ``starts``, ``ends`` and ``exact``. For example, you can now filter for a movie with a name starting with ``Star Wars``.

<img width="304" alt="Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 12 19 13" src="https://github.com/piccolo-orm/piccolo_admin/assets/350976/42bb78e1-125c-46a2-b10c-76fd79318721">

When filtering numeric / date / time columns, you can now specify the ``not equals`` operator. For example, give me all the movie tickets which aren't on a certain day.

<img width="304" alt="Screenshot 2023-11-18 at 12 25 15" src="https://github.com/piccolo-orm/piccolo_admin/assets/350976/8ad8f752-e506-4a3c-9a1f-c034c53d65e6">

Bug fixes

Fixed some minor bugs, and added additional Playwright tests.

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