
Latest version: v1.0

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- Switched to new OpenWISP theme, registered the new menu items
- Added more REST API endpoint to manipulate details of Topology, Node and Link


Backward incompatible changes

- Changed URL prefix of REST API from to ``/api/v1/topology/``
for consistency with the other OpenWISP Modules
- Removed deprecated old receive topology API url;
use the new URL: ``/api/v1/network-topology/topology/{id}/receive/``


- Dropped support for Python 3.6
- Added support for Python 3.8 and Python 3.9
- Dropped support for Django 2.2
- Added support for Django 3.2 and 4.0
- Increased OpenWISP Users version to 1.0.0
- Removed redundant django-model-utils (it's defined in openwisp-utils)

Other changes

- Moved uuid field of topology admin after main fields
- Changed "View topology graph" button color
- Added the `openwisp-utils DjangoModelPermissions
class to API views
- Allow nodes, link and topologies to be shared among different organizations


- Ensured ``Link`` and ``Node`` belong to the same topology
- Removed use of custom ``has_permission()`` of old openwisp-utils
- Make sure migrations depend on swappable openwisp modules
- Load Organization model with swappable in tests



- [fix] Removed static() call from media assets
- [change] Increased `openwisp-users <>`__ version from 0.2.x to 0.5.x
(which brings many interesting improvements to multi-tenancy,
`see the change log of openwisp-users <>`_
for more information)
- Increased `openwisp-utils <>`__ version to 0.7.x




- Added `integration with OpenWISP Controller and OpenWISP Monitoring <>`_
- API: added `swagger API docs <>`_
- Admin: added UUID readonly field
- Added user defined properties in Node and Link


- **Backward incompatible**: API and visualizer views now require authentication by default.
This can be changed through the new
- Upgraded openvpn nodes to netdiff 0.9
- Automatically manage organization of Node and Link
- Changed API URL: /api/v1/receive/{id}/ -> /api/v1//topology/{id}/receive/ (old URL kept for backward compatibility)


- Fixed link status bug introduced in 0.4
- Fixed exceptions during update of data
- Do not save ``status_changed``, ``modified``, ``created`` in link properties
- Fixed Topology admin for users who do not have delete permission



- [refactoring] Merged code of django-netjsongraph in openwisp-network-topology
- [**breaking change**]: URLS at ``/api/`` moved to ``/api/v1/``
- [docs] Reordered & Improved docs
- [add] Requirement swapper~=1.1
- [docs] Added tutorial for extending openwisp-network-topology
- [feature] Upgrader script to upgrade from django-netjsongraph to openwisp-network-topology
- [change] Requirement netdiff~=0.8.0



- [add] Support for openwisp-utils~=0.5.0
- [fix] swagger API fix for serializer



- bumped min openwisp-utils 0.4.3
- bumped django-netjsongraph 0.6.1

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