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**General (Client):**
- OpenSlides client completely rewritten, based on Angular 8 and Material Design.
- OpenSlides is now a Progressive Web App (PWA).
- New browser caching via IndexedDB (one cache store for all browser tabs).
- New list views optimized with virtual scrolling (improved performance for long lists).
- New global quick search using by shortcut 'Alt+Shift+F'.
- New built-in design themes for customizing user interface.
- New update notification if OpenSlides static files are updated.
- New config option for pdf page size (DIN A4 or A5).
- Added TinyMCE 5 editor (switched from CKEditor caused by changed license).
- Switched from yarn/gulp to npm.
- Improved pdf gerneration with progress bar and cancel option.
- Translations available for EN, DE, RU and CS.

**General (Server):**
- New websocket protocol for server client communication using JSON schema.
- New change-id system to send only updated elements to client.
- New global history mode (useable for admin group only).
- Updated to Channels 2.
- Dropped support for Python 3.5.
- Dropped support for Geiss.
- Complete rework of startup and caching system. Dropped restricted data cache.
- Changed URL schema.
- Changed personal
- Changed format for elements send via autoupdate.
- Changed projector concept.
- Compressed autoupdates before sending to clients (reduced traffic).
- Fixed autoupdate system for related objects.
- Fixed logo configuration if logo file is deleted.
- Added several bulk views for motions and users (one request for updating multiple selected elements).
- Added docs for using OpenSlides in 'big mode' with Gunicorn and Uvicorn.
- Added docs for configure OpenSlides in
- Dropped chat functionality.
- Server performance improvements.

- Agenda items are now optional (for motions, elections and mediafiles). New config to set default behavior.
- New drag&drop view to sort agenda items.
- New config option: only present participants can be added to list of speakers.
- New config option to hide number of speakers on projector.

- New call list for custom sort of motions.
- New tile layout view with all categories (each category a tile).
- New statute motions with managing statute paragraphs.
- New permission to manage metadata (state, recommendation, submitters and supporters, category, motion block and polls).
- New permission to create amendments.
- New permission to see motions in internal states.
- New access restrictions definable for each motion state in workflow.
- New 'internal' option for motion blocks.
- New sorting view for categories to create subcategories.
- New custom comment fields for all motions (read/write access can be managed via permission groups).
- New motion history (each action is stored in global OpenSlides history which can be restored any time, replaced old motion version and log features).
- New XLSX export (docx support is dropped).
- New navigation for next/previous motion in detail view (shortcut: 'Alt+Shift+Left/Right').
- New multi select actions.
- New timestampes for motions (for sorting by creation date and last modified).
- New config option to set reason as required field.
- New config option to change multiple paragraphs with an amendment.
- New config option to hide motion text on projector.
- New config option to show sequential number.
- New config option to show all motions which are referred to a special motion.
- New config option to show submitters and recommendation in table of contents of PDF.
- New config options to control identifier generation - number of digits and blanks (moved from
- Improved PDF export (optional with toc, page numbers, date, comments and meta information)
- Improved motion numbering in (sub)categories: Motions of subcategories are also numbered, and parents of amendments needs to be in the numbered category or any subcategory.
- Improved projection layout of motion blocks.
- Changed default workflows: Allowed submitters to set state of new motions in complex and customized workflow. No migration provided.
- Change CSV import to add tags.

- New admin group which grants all permissions. Users of existing group 'Admin' or 'Staff' are move to the new group during migration.
- New gender field.
- New password forget/reset function via email.
- New permission to change own password.
- New config option for sender name and reply email address (From address is defined in

- New support for (sub)folders and permission groups.

- New views to list, manage and control created OpenSlides projectors.
- New projector queue (add slide to queue), all projected slides are logged.
- New chyron for current speaker.
- New color settings for each projector.


Not secure
- New item type 'hidden'. New visibilty filter in agenda [3790].

- New feature to scroll the projector to a specific line [3748].
- New possibility to sort submitters [3647].
- New representation of amendments (paragraph based creation, new diff and list views for amendments) [3637].
- New feature to customize workflows and states [3772, 3785].
- New table of contents with page numbers and categories in PDF [3766].
- New teporal field "modified final version" where the final version can be edited [3781].
- New config options to show logos on the right side in PDF [3768].
- New config to show amendments also in motions table [3792].
- Support to change decimal places for polls with a plugin [3803].

- Support to change decimal places for elections with a plugin [3803]

- Updated Django to 2.1 [3777, 3786].
- Support for Python 3.7 [3786].
- Python 3.4 is not supported anymore [3777].
- Updated pdfMake to 0.1.37 [3766].
- Changed behavior of collectstatic management command [3804].


Not secure
- New permission for managing lists of speakers [3366].
- New DOCX export of agenda [3569].
- New collapsable agenda overview [3567].
- New feature: mark speakers (e.g. as submitter) [3570].
- New config option to enable numbering of items [3697].
- New config option to hide internal items when projecting subitems [3701].
- Hide closed agenda items in the item slide [3567].
- Fixed wrong sorting of last speakers [3193].
- Fixed issue when sorting a new inserted speaker [3210].
- Fixed multiple request on creation of agenda related items [3341].
- Autoupdates for all children if the item type has changed [3659].

- New export dialog for managers only [3185].
- New personal note field for each motions [3190, 3267, 3404].
- New navigation between single motions [3459].
- New possibility to create change recommendations for motion titles [3626].
- New support for export motions in a ZIP archive [3189, 3251].
- New PDF export for personal note and comments [3239].
- New config option for customize sorting of category list in pdf/docx export [3329].
- New config optoin for pagenumber alignment in PDF [3327].
- New config options to hide reason, recommendation and meta data box on projector [3432, 3692].
- New inline editing for motion reason [3361].
- New multiselect filter for motion comments [3372].
- New support for pinning personal notes to the window [3360].
- New warning message if an edit dialog was already opened by another client [3212].
- New change recommendation type "other" [3495].
- Fixed issue when creating/deleting motion comment fields in the settings [3187].
- Fixed empty motion comment field in motion update form [3194].
- Fixed error on category sort [3318].
- Bugfix: Changing motion line length did not invalidate cache [3202].
- Bugfix: Added more distance in motion PDF for DEL-tags in new lines [3211].
- Bugfix: Creating colliding change recommendation is now prevented on server side [3304].
- Bugfix: Several bugfixes regarding splitting list items in change recommendations [3288].
- Bugfix: Several bugfixes regarding diff version [3407, 3408, 3410, 3440, 3450, 3465, 3537, 3546, 3548, 3644, 3656].
- Improved the multiselect state filter [3459].
- Save pagination state to session storage [3569].
- Allow to delete own motions [3516].
- Reference to motions by id in state and recommendation special field [3498].
- Log which comment was updated [3569].
- Split up 'can_see_and_manage_comments' permission in two seperate ones [3565].
- Combined all boolean filters into one dropdown menu and added a filter for amendments [3501].
- Show motion identifier in (current) list of speakers [3442]
- Show the number of next speakers in motion list view [3470].
- Added (shortened) motion title to motion block slide [3700].
- Clear identifier on state reset [3356].
- Reworked DOCX export parser and added comments to DOCX [3258].
- Removed server side image to base64 transformation and added local transformation [3181].
- Added karma:watch command [3466].

- New pagination for list view [3393].

- New fast mass import for users [3290].
- New default user group 'admin' [3621].
- New feature to send invitation emails with OpenSlides login data [3503, 3525].
- New view to toggle presence by entering participant number (can be used with barcode scanner) [3496].
- New support for password validation using Django or custom validators
5. 7. for minimum password length [3200].
- Hide password in change password view [3417].
- Users without the permission 'can see users' can now see agenda item speakers, motion submitters and supporters, assignment candidates, mediafile uploader and chat message users if they have the respective permissions [3191, 3233].
- Fixed compare of duplicated users while CSV user import [3201].
- Added settings option to enable updating the last_login field in the database. The default is now disabled [3400].
- Removed OPTIONS request. All permissions are now provided on startup [3306].

- New form for uploading multiple files [3650].
- New custom CKEditor plugin for browsing mediafiles [3337].
- Project images always in fullscreen [3355].
- Protect mediafiles for forbidden access [3384].
- Fixed reloading of PDF on page change [3274].

- New settings to upload custom fonts (for projector and pdf) [3568].
- New custom translations to use custom wordings [3383].
- New support for choosing image files as logos for projector, PDF and web interface header [3184, 3207, 3208, 3310].
- New notify system [3212].
- New config option for standard font size in PDF [3332].
- New config option for disabling header and footer in the projector [3357].
- New dynamic webpage title [3404].
- New 'go to top'-link [3404].
- New custom format cleanup plugin for CKEditor [3576].
- Reset scroll level for each new projection [3686].
- Scroll to top on every state change [3689].
- Added pagination on top of lists [3698].
- Improved performance for PDF generation significantly (by upgrading to pdfmake 0.1.30) [3278, 3285].
- Enhanced performance esp. for server restart and first connection of all clients by refactoring autoupdate, Collection and AccessPermission [3223, 3539].
- Improved reconnect handling if the server was flushed [3297].
- No reload on logoff. OpenSlides is now a full single page application [3172].
- Highlight list entries in a light blue, if a related object is projected (e. g. a list of speakers of a motion) [3301].
- Select the projector resolution with a slider and an aspect ratio [3311].
- Delay the 'could not load projector' error 3 seconds to not irritate users with a slow internet connection [3323].
- Added default sorting for agenda, motions, elections, mediafiles and users [3334, 3348].
- Added caching for the index views [3419, 3424].
- Added projector prioritization [3425].
- Added --debug-email flag to print all emails to stdout [3530].
- Added --no-template-caching flag to disable template caching for easier development [3566].
- Updated CKEditor to 4.7 [3375].
- Reduced ckeditor toolbar for inline editing [3368].
- New api route to project items with just one request needed [3713].
- Use native twisted mode for daphne [3487].
- Saved language selection to session storage [3543].
- Set default of projector resolution to 1220x915 [2549].
- Preparations for the SAML plugin; Fixed caching of main views [3535].
- Removed unnecessary OPTIONS request in config [3541].
- Switched from npm to Yarn [3188].
- Improvements for plugin integration [3330].
- Cleanups for the collection and autoupdate system [3390]
- Bugfixes for PDF creation [3227, 3251, 3279, 3286, 3346, 3347, 3342].
- Fixed error when clearing empty chat [3199].
- Fixed autoupdate bug for a user without user.can_see_name permission [3233].
- Fixed bug the elements are projected and the deleted [3336].
- Several bugfixes and minor improvements.

*[xxxx] = Pull request number to get more details on*


Not secure
- Fixed issue 3173 that the agenda item text cannot be changed.

- Set required version for optional Geiss support to <1.0.0.


Not secure
- Added button to remove all speakers from a list of speakers.
- Added option to create or edit agenda items as subitems of others.
- Fixed security issue: Comments were shown for unprivileged users.
- Added option to choose whether to show the current list of speakers slide as a slide or an overlay.
- Manage speakers on the current list of speakers view.
- List of speakers for hidden items is always visible.

- Added support for multiple projectors.
- Added control for the resolution of the projectors.
- Added smooth projector scroll.
- Set the projector language in the settings.
- Added migration path from OpenSlides 2.0.
- Added support for big assemblies with lots of users.
- Django 1.10 is now supported. Dropped support for Django 1.8 and 1.9.
- Used Django Channels instead of Tornado. Refactoring of the autoupdate process. Added retry with timeout in case of ChannelFull exception.
- Made a lot of autoupdate improvements for projector and site.
- Added new caching system with support for Redis.
- Support https as websocket protocol (wss).
- Accelerated startup process (send all data to the client after login).
- Add the command getgeiss to download the latest version of Geiss.
- Add a version of has_perm that can work with cached users.
- Removed our AnonymousUser. Make sure not to use user.has_perm() anymore.
- Added function utils.auth.anonymous_is_enabled which returns true, if it is.
- Changed has_perm to support an user id or None (for anyonmous) as first argument.
- Cache the group with there permissions.
- Added watching permissions in client and change the view immediately on changes.
- Used session cookies and store filter settings in session storage.
- Removed our db-session backend and added possibility to use any django session backend.
- Added template hook system for plugins.
- Used Roboto font in all templates.
- Added HTML support for messages on the projector.
- Moved custom slides to own app "topics". Renamed it to "Topic".
- Added button to clear the chatbox.
- Better dialog handling. Show dialog just in forground without changing the state url. Added new dialog for profile, change password, tag and category update view.
- Switched editor back from TinyMCE to CKEditor which provides a better copy/paste support from MS Word.
- Validate HTML strings from CKEditor against XSS attacks.
- Use a separate dialog with CKEditor for editing projector messages.
- Use CKEditor in settings for text markup.
- Used pdfMake for clientside generation of PDFs. Run pdf creation in background (in a web worker thread).
- Introduced new table design for list views with serveral filters and CSV export.
- New CSV import layout.
- Replaced angular-csv-import by Papa Parse for CSV parsing.
- Added UTF-8 byte order mark for every CSV export.
- Removed config cache to support multiple threads or processes.
- Added success/error symbol to config to show if saving was successful.
- Fixed bug, that the last change of a config value was not send via autoupdate.
- Moved full-text search to client-side (removed the server-side search engine Whoosh).
- Made a lot of code clean up, improvements and bug fixes in client and backend.

- Added adjustable line numbering mode (outside, inside, none) for each motion text.
- Allowed to add change recommendations for special motion text lines (with diff mode).
- Added projection support for change recommendations.
- Added button to sort and number all motions in a category.
- Added recommendations for motions.
- Added options to calculate percentages on different bases.
- Added calculation for required majority.
- Added blocks for motions which can be used in agenda. Set states for multiple motions of a motion block by following the recommendation for each motion.
- Used global config variable for preamble.
- Added configurable fields for comments.
- Added new origin field.
- Reimplemented amendments.
- New PDF layout.
- Added DOCX export with docxtemplater.
- Changed label of former state "commited a bill" to "refered to committee".
- Number of ballots printed can now be set in config.
- Add new personal settings to remove all whitespaces from motion identifier.
- Add new personal settings to allow amendments of amendments.
- Added inline editing for comments.

- Added options to calculate percentages on different bases.
- Added calculation for required majority.
- Candidates are now sortable.
- Removed unused assignment config to publish winner election results only.
- Number of ballots printed can now be set in config.
- Added inline edit field for a specific hint on ballot papers.

- Added new matrix-interface for managing groups and their permissions.
- Added autoupdate on permission change (permission added).
- Improved password reset view for administrators.
- Changed field for initial password to an unchangeable field.
- Added new field for participant number.
- Added new field 'is_committee' and new default group 'Committees'.
- Improved users CSV import (use group names instead of id).
- Allowed to import/export initial user password.
- Added more multiselect actions.
- Added QR code in users access pdf.

- Allowed to project uploaded images (png, jpg, gif) and video files (e. g. mp4, wmv, flv, quicktime, ogg).
- Allowed to hide uploaded files in overview list for non authorized users.
- Enabled removing of files from filesystem on model instance delete.

- Added Russian translation (Thanks to Andreas Engler).
- Added command to create example data.

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