
Latest version: v2024.3.27

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What's Changed
* ✨ Added check for [API keys leaked by Slicers](https://faq.octoprint.org/file-check-leaked-api-key)
* ✨ File check results will now get saved to the file's metadata and will be displayed in the file list and the printer state
* ✨ Added a settings dialog that allows enabling/disabling individual checks
* ✨ Added a button in the newly created settings dialog to trigger a check of all already uploaded files (if native `grep` is available). Also added a wizard that will be used to give users a heads-up about the necessity to run a check of all files in case of new high priority checks, such as the `leaked_api_key` one added in this release
* Bump actions/setup-python from 1 to 4 by dependabot in https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint-FileCheck/pull/5
* Bump actions/download-artifact from 1 to 3 by dependabot in https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint-FileCheck/pull/6
* Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 by dependabot in https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint-FileCheck/pull/7
* Bump actions/upload-artifact from 1 to 3 by dependabot in https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint-FileCheck/pull/8
* Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by dependabot in https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint-FileCheck/pull/9
* Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 by dependabot in https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint-FileCheck/pull/10
* Bump actions/download-artifact from 3 to 4 by dependabot in https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint-FileCheck/pull/11
* Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4 by dependabot in https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint-FileCheck/pull/12

New Contributors
* dependabot made their first contribution in https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint-FileCheck/pull/5

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint-FileCheck/compare/2021.2.23...2024.3.27



* 2 Fix native `grep` not always being in extended regex mode
* Add a "Prerelease" release channel
* Code now uses `pre-commit`, `black`, `prettier`, `isort` and `flake8` just like OctoPrint itself.


Bug fixes

* [1](https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint-FileCheck/issues/1) - Fix false positives generated for hotwords inside GCODE comments


Bug fixes

* Fix python compatibility property name


Initial release

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