
Latest version: v1.0.5

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* d81e128c6 NUP-2519: Update nupic.core version
* 3371e4ef9 NUP-2519: Upgrade pycapnp to 0.6.3
* 11a13c018 NUP-2518: Remove obsolete region initialization parameters from custom region example
* 67724debf "pip install --use-wheel" was deprecated. See
* 08daff4a3 Fix softmax overflow


* 682fd2e66c6d45912cd9c518106740143eff9fd9 : NUP-2506: Add test to all Serializable subclasses and fix related issues (3826)
* a7ab556a64e57064a8febbcf2ee341a1b1ff18ae : NUP-2506: fix traversal limit (3823)
* 54e1ffead7a8cedd9a2dab08bb02c7e5e3536bf3 : Added holidays parameter to date encoder (3822)
* 9bb7705ebd428e73f6efc180e77f7f127ce67c4d : version lock 'sphinx-autobuild' dependency 'tornado' (3815)
* 13c02de82c6bc52afc364fd1fdce88c5fa1aa92c : Update some legacy code examples. (3814)
* 33052e10dbe1030929223fc7e54d2d7c8b8a1ced : Fix metric spec schema bug (3812)
* 40e216915a172901b5dbe34932543fae68aa3631 : Fix lack of logging in (3809)
* d8c740486198a6764b18c73bffe6005988435ac7 : NUP-2487: Update category prediction example
* 38e40266a7ad2744fce904a02faa383676950e1e : Issue 1380: Update SP parameter validation test checking array dimensions
* e470860e962db70a2b16c82d1647f10b3e985c42 : numenta/nupic.core1380: Fix SP tests with correct dtype values
* 38c9c7e1d7b161d9a4b2378cdae3652af704a481 : Add example for infer as well
* 94e5f62e669dcbd55268c07b6aa30f391135ab4f : Include example to make isSparse parameter easier to understand
* ffd1457037a52cb63a7be0cf004e886f3909f505 : Update KNN classifier documentation to make the input pattern requirements clear in both learn and infer
* 5ecae91017c5f4f68c944a3f5b5d79d1276e2c59 : Changed distribution keyword, casted some attributes to float, removed setting list (3784)
* 41e5a6aefc649b08dbe948ba3e1db46f5aaaa603 : Issue 3783: Fixes test to compute pass the probation period (3786)
* 7e5f587ecd039520a53a4aa4608eb7ce577654f1 : Updating to XCode 8.3
* 1aea72abde4457878a16288d6786ffb088f69164 : Update name of nyc_taxi.csv to nycTaxi.csv (3776)


- Updated incorrect name for anomaly likelihood region. (3770)


- Fixed BacktrackingTM serialization error (3765)


- Fixed a bug in record sensor that prevented the usage of CoordinateEncoder. (3754)


- Improved exception handling in /swarm/ (3738)
- DEVOPS-362 Remove unnecessary install script
- DEVOPS-362 test removing dependency on install script entirely
- DEVOPS-362 update install script
- DEVOPS-362 Add initial version of missing install script
- Added serialization guide to API docs. (3737)
- Put conditional around capnp for Windows
- Complete new serialization in SpatialPooler
- Catch nupic.core reference
- NUP-2342: consolidate read/write into a single context
- NUP-2342: Update examples to use capnp serialization
- NUP-2341: Use capnp serialization for SDRClassifierDiff
- NUP-2351: Remove TODOs from HTM Prediction Model test and fix bugs exposed by this test
- NUP-2351: Add serialization to KNNAnomalyClassifierRegion
- NUP-2351: Fix KNNClassifier serialization
- NUP-2349 Implemented testCapnpWriteRead test for PreviousValueModel OPF class. Implemented PreviousValueModel.getProtoType. Return instance from
- NUP-2349 Implemented capnp serialization of PreviousValueModel
- Put capnp import checks in place for Windows
- Add serialization tests for TMRegion
- NUP-2463 Serialize inferenceArgs, learningEnabled, and inferenceEnabled in opf Model.
- Add support for different TM types in TMRegion serialization
- Added Serializable to API docs, and inheritence links
- Fixed Next ID value in comment in model.capnp
- NUP-2464 Integrated ModelProto support into opf TwoGramModel.
- Fixed input to SP in docs algo example (3708)
- NUP-2464 Serialize numPredictions and inferenceType via ModelProto member of HTMPredictionModelProto.
- Added Serializable to all classes with a capnp write function (3710)
- Safe import of capnp for moving average proto
- getSchema returns prototype
- Remove unused \_readArray
- Rely on pycapnp/numpy native conversions in write/read
- Add capnp conditionals for Windows
- NUP-2351: Use dict directly instead of creating capnp message
- Fixed Serializable extensions
- Fix CPP breakages from changes
- NUP-2351: Add capnp serialization to KNNClassifierRegion
- Fix everything up to get serialization tests working with capnp serialization for BacktrackingTM
- Added getSchema to MovingAverage
- Added Serializable to all classes with a capnp write function
- Finished up first pass implementation of BacktrackingTM serialization
- NUP-2350: capnp serialization for TwoGramModel
- NUP-2449 Completed implementation of HTMPredictionModel serialization tests.
- NUP-2463 Implemented test (disabled) to demonstrate the bug "Predicted field and \_\_inferenceEnabled are not serialized by HTMPredictionModel.write"
- OPF Guide cleanup and link fixes (3700)
- NUP-2355 Add new serialization to TestRegion
- remove SVMClassifierNode (3697)
- handle scalar values in the sdr classifier region
- NUP-2346: Add serialization to knn\_classifier
- NUP-2458 Fixed and enabled SDRClassifierTest.testWriteReadNoComputeBeforeSerializing
- NUP-2458 Implemented testWriteReadNoComputeBeforeSerializing in sdr\_classifier\ that reproduces the "deque index out of bounds", but disabled the test, since it fails in a different way after the fix, most likely unrelated to the fix, which needs to be debugged
- NUP-2398 Refactor test comparing different configurations
- NUP-2458 Prevent index out of bounds when saving `patternNZHistory` after fewer than \_maxSteps input records have been processed.
- NUP-2458 Moved HTMPredictionModel serialization test to integration/opf
- NUP-2449 Implement simple serialization/deserialzation tests. This exposed a number of problems that need to be fixed before we can make further progress.
- update sdr classifier doc

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