
Latest version: v3.0.1

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New Features

* Newly added shared libraries for VE30.



New Features

* Newly added VE device management routines, which enable you to select execution VE device from Python script.
* Newly added environment variable VE_NLCPY_MEMPOOL_SIZE which controls amount of memory pool.
* Newly supports a feature that NLCPy automatically replaces almost functions and methods that implemented not yet to the NumPy’s one.

Performance Enhancements

* Improved the performance of nlcpy.power() and nlcpy.floor_divide() when input data types are complex.



New Features

* Newly added environment variable VE_NLCPY_WARMUP which enables/disables Python scripts to perform some warming up when importing *NLCPy*.
* Minor updates for [mpi4py-ve]( support.

Performance Enhancements

* Improved the performance of [nlcpy.linalg.norm()]( if the Frobenius norm is specified.
* Improved the performance of some functions if the memory layout is C-contiguous or F-contiguous.



New Features

* Newly added Just-In-Time compilation functionality, which enables your Python scripts to call VE functions written by C/C++/Fortran.
* Newly added Masked Array operations.

Performance Enhancements

* Improved the performance of nlcpy.ndarray.\_\_getitem\_\_() with list, tuple, or nlcpy.ndarray elements.
* Improved the performance of nlcpy.linalg.eigvalsh().



New Features

* Newly added SCA Interface, which enables Python scripts to call SCA functions of NEC Numeric Library Collection.
* Newly added the profiling routines with FTRACE.
* Newly added the following functions.

- nlcpy.savetxt()
- nlcpy.savez()
- nlcpy.savez_compressed()
- nlcpy.roll()
- nlcpy.swapaxes()
- nlcpy.unique()
- nlcpy.count_nonzero()
- nlcpy.broadcast_arrays()
- nlcpy.diag_indices()
- nlcpy.diagflat()
- nlcpy.tri()
- nlcpy.tril()
- nlcpy.triu()
- nlcpy.fill_diagonal()
- nlcpy.hsplit()
- nlcpy.vsplit()
- nlcpy.split()
- nlcpy.atleast_1d()
- nlcpy.atleast_2d()
- nlcpy.atleast_3d()
- nlcpy.block()
- nlcpy.clip()
- nlcpy.nanargmax()
- nlcpy.nanargmin()

Performance Enhancements

* Improved the overall performance of NLCPy by applying asynchronous VE function calls.
* Improved the performance of reduction operations such as nlcpy.sum(), nlcpy.amax(), and nlcpy.amin().



Problem Fixes

* Fixed abnormal termination that could occur when a Python script using NLCPy is executed by a batch scheduler.

* Fixed a problem that stalls when a multi-dimensional ndarray is specified as a parameter to nlcpy.sort() .

Function Enhancements

* Improved a part of the memory allocation logic during the lazy evaluation.

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