
Latest version: v11.4.3.101

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- MicroStrategy for Jupyter Extension will no longer be developed and supported
and will be removed from the mstrio-py package starting from MicroStrategy One, March 2024.
You can still use the mstrio-py library and all its current and upcoming features.

New features
- changed `list_users` to allow filtering on `enabled` field
- added support for `ldapdn`, `language`,`owner` and `default_timezone` for `Users`
- added support for `ldapdn` for `UserGroups`
- added `add_datasource()` and `remove_datasource()` methods to `Project` class to allow
adding and removing datasources from the project
- added `data_language_settings` and `metadata_language_settings` properties to `Project` class
to allow interacting with project internalization:
- `add_language()`, `alter_language()`, `remove_language()`, `alter_current_mode()`,
`alter_default_language()` methods for the `data_language_settings` property
- `add_language()`, `remove_language()` for the `metadata_language_settings` property
- added new optional argument `show_description` to `ProjectSettings.list_properties()`,
`ProjectSettings.to_csv()`, `ServerSettings.list_properties()`, `ServerSettings.to_csv()`
to show description for each setting
- added `Enums` in `mstrio.server.setting_types` to allow altering `Enum` settings by providing
`Enum` values instead of `string`

Minor changes
- updated code snippets for datasources to use `Language` class and `list_languages` function from `mstrio.server.language` package
instead of `Locale` class and `list_locales` function
- members in user groups are now instances of `User` or `UserGroup` class instead of dictionaries
- addresses in `User` class are now instances of `Address` class instead of dictionaries

Bug fixes
- changed endpoint of `list_users`, allowing for listing users in environments with large number of users more efficiently

- possibility of providing `initials` as a filter in `list_users` is deprecated and will be removed in the future

- removed `Locale` class and `list_locales` function from `mstrio.datasources.datasource_map` module
- removed `update()` method from `OlapCube` class
- removed `mstrio.api.exceptions` and `mstrio.helpers.exceptions` modules
- removed `overwrite`, `attributes` and `meterics` parameters in `OlapCube.create()` method
- removed ability to pass instance of `Locale` class as argument in `mstrio.datasources.datasource_map` module

New features
- added support for VLDB properties for `Metric` objects by providing
`list_vldb_settings`, `reset_vldb_settings`, `alter_vldb_settings` methods
and `vldb_settings` attribute
- add `refresh` argument to `list_datasource_warehouse_tables` to allow refreshing
warehouse tables available in a datasource
- enhanced `update_physical_table_structure` and `update_physical_table_structure_for_all_tables`
methods of `LogicalTable` to work after changing `WarehouseTable` structure
- added `Translation` class in `mstrio.object_management.translation` package to allow management
of Translations for any object with the following methods: `add_translation`, `alter_translation`,
`remove_translation`, `to_csv_from_list` and `add_translations_from_csv`
- added `list_translations` to allow listing translations for objects
- added `add_translation`, `alter_translation`, `remove_translation` and `list_translations`
methods to all objects inheriting from Entity to allow translation management directly
through the objects

Minor changes
- moved `Rights`, `AggregatedRights`, `Permissions` enums to `mstrio.helpers` module

Bug fixes
- updated default values of `PackageSettings` class to allow safe initialization
- fixed `Project Not Loaded` error when trying to initialize `Project` object when
running in a cluster configuration with the project not being loaded on all nodes
- fixed `full_search`, `get_search_results` to always return correct number of objects

- removed `list_folders`, `create_folder`, `delete_folder` from `mstrio.utils.helper`
because they have been superseded by `mstrio.object_management.folder` module

New features
- added `delete()` method to `Project` class to allow deleting projects
- added parameter `hidden` to `create` methods of `Attribute` and `Metric` classes

Minor changes
- rename `ObjectTypes.NONE` to `ObjectTypes.NOT_SUPPORTED` in `mstrio.types` module

Bug fixes
- fixed `to_dataframe` method of `OlapCube` class to return dataframe containing
not only default attribute forms (The following types of Intelligent Cube are not
supported: MDX, Query Builder, Freefrom SQL, Freeform XQuery, and Data Import.)
- add printing info message to `load`, `unload` and `delete` methods of `ContentCache`
class indicating that operation could not be performed because cache was deleted,
in that case execution of `load` method will be stopped by raising error
- added support for `Date` type to `SuperCube` class
- updated `User.add_address` and `User.update_address` methods to allow more
address customizations

- `mstrio.api.exceptions` and `mstrio.utils.exceptions` modules are superseded by
`mstrio.helpers`, and will be removed in the future

Major changes
- added `Language` class in `mstrio.server.language` package to allow management
of Languages
- added `list_languages` and `list_interface_languages` to allow listing languages
and interface languages

Minor changes
- fixed `Metric` objects always returning `None` for `hidden` field and fixed
`alter` method to allow updating it

- `Locale` class in `mstrio.datasources` is no longer supported and is
superseded by `Language` class in `mstrio.server.language` package
- `list_locales` function in `mstrio.datasources` is no longer supported and is
superseded by `list_languages` function in `mstrio.server.language` package

Major changes
- updated `create` method of `OlapCube` class to support new parameters:
`template`, `filter`, `options`, `advanced_properties`, `time_based_settings`,
`show_expression_as` and `show_filter_tokens`
- updated `alter` method of `OlapCube` class to allow altering new parameters:
`template`, `filter`, `options` and `time_based_settings`
- added `set_partition_attribute`, `remove_partition_attribute` and `list_attribute_forms`
methods to `OlapCube` class to allow managemenet of partition attribute and observing
attributes forms
- added `list_vldb_settings`, `alter_vldb_settings` and `reset_vldb_settings`
methods to `OlapCube` class to allow management of VLDB settings

- `update` method of `OlapCube` class is no longer supported, is superseded by `alter`
method, and will be removed in the future
- `attributes`, `metrics` and `overwrite` parameters in `create` method of `OlapCube` class
are no longer supported, are superseded by `template` parameter, and will be removed
in the future

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