
Latest version: v2.5.4

Safety actively analyzes 619477 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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This release will be the last to support Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7

- Added

* support for Python 3.11

- Fixed

* do not update MSL packages that are installed in editable mode
* issue `11 <>`_ -
TypeError: Object of type Requirement is not JSON serializable
* issue `10 <>`_ -
GitHub rate-limit error message repeats
* issue `9 <>`_ -
PyPI regex pattern is invalid for the /search endpoint



- Added

* support for Python 3.10

- Fixed

* increased the GitHub API pagination to 100 repositories per page
* issue `8 <>`_ -
Invalid URL fragment with pip dependency resolver



- Fixed

* issue `7 <>`_ -
Updating non-MSL packages can install the wrong version



- Added

* install or update a package from the hash value of a commit
* a ``docs`` key to ``extras_require`` in
* update all outdated, non-MSL packages from PyPI

- Changed

* renamed the ``authorize`` function to ``authorise``
* use ``~/.msl/package-manager`` as the HOME directory to save the
GitHub token and the PyPI/GitHub caches.
* use 4x additive ``--quiet`` flag (for silencing ``DEBUG``,
``INFO``, ``WARNING`` and ``ERROR`` logging levels)
* direct logging messages less than ``WARNING`` to ``sys.stdout`` and
greater than or equal to ``WARNING`` to ``sys.stderr``
* the default name of a repository branch is now `main` for the
``install`` and ``update`` commands
* use the conda-forge channel (instead of the anaconda channel) when
installing packages in



- Added

* support for Python 3.9

- Changed

* only include the ``--force-reinstall`` flag when updating a package from
GitHub (previously this flag was included when updating from PyPI as well)
* include the ``--no-deps`` flag if no `extras require` option is specified
when updating a package from GitHub
* no longer use the XMLRPC API to get the information about
the MSL packages that are available on PyPI

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