
Latest version: v0.8.0

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- Drops support for Python 2.7
- Upgrades cryptography library to 40.0.2, the latest version that supports Python 3.6
- Upgrades M2Crypto to 0.41.0
- Upgrades Django to version 3
- Upgrades django-mptt to a version greater than 0.10 for Django 3 compatibility
- Upgrades djangorestframework to a version greater than 3.10 for Django 3 compatibility
- Upgrades django-ipware to version 4.0.2, the latest version that supports Python 3.6
- Drops usage of "value_from_object_json_compatible" on fields and instead inspects booleans for "morango_serialize_to_string" attribute to determine if the field value_to_string method should be used for serialization and to_python used for deserialization
- Removes support for MorangoMPTT models


- Supersedes 0.7.0
- Drops support for Python 3.4 and 3.5
- Upgrades cryptography library to 3.3.2, the latest version that supports Python 2.7


- The `cleanupsyncs` management command now only cleans up sync sessions if also inactive for `expiration` amount of time
- Fixes issue accessing index on queryset in `cleanupsyncs` management command


- Prevent creation of Deleted and HardDeleted models during deserialization to allow propagation of syncable objects that are recreated after a previous deletion without causing a merge conflict.


- Added `client-instance-id`, `server-instance-id`, `sync-filter`, `push` and `pull` arguments to `cleanupsyncs` management command
- Added option for resuming a sync to ignore the `SyncSession`'s existing `process_id`
- Added custom user agent to sync HTTP requests
- Fixed documentation build issues
- Makefile no longer defines shell with explicit path


- Added dedicated `client_instance_id` and `server_instance_id` fields to `SyncSession`
- Renamed `client_instance` and `server_instance` fields on `SyncSession` to `client_instance_json` and `server_instance_json` respectively

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