
Latest version: v24.2.1

Safety actively analyzes 619504 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Molecule uses ANSIBLE_FILTER_PLUGINS (4135) ultral
- Set ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR sooner to fix missing color output in tmux (4145) vicnett
- Fix symlinks creation in ansible provisioneer (4134) rakhinskiy



- Change molecule_inventory in podman example to remove ansible warning (4086) buckaroogeek
- Update collection structure image in the docs (4098) ajinkyau
- Enable ansible-lint (4069) ssbarnea
- Correct git-archival settings (4071) ssbarnea
- Docs: highlight importance of `ansible_collections` at root dir (4060) felher
- Skip create step when created == true (4038) mluzarreta
- Address ansible-lint reported issues (4056) muellerbe
- Add podman driver option to podman config (4062) brandor5
- Fix docker and podman examples to work with multiple platforms (4068) clickthisnick
- Update docs to remove references to Docker being the default driver (4065) Qalthos
- Fix forbidden implicit octal value (4049) jooola
- Pin linkchecker version (4050) zhan9san
- Update (4030) aogier
- Address documentation username typo (4031) iamgini



- Update the getting started guide (4023) ajinkyau
- Update ansible-compat to v4.1.7 (4022) ajinkyau



- Pass environment in testinfra (4014) zhan9san
- fix: remove `role` from `init` help info (4010) chenrui333


Major Changes

- Change current directory to scenario before running playbooks (3966) ssbarnea
- Temporary disable support for external drivers (3961) ssbarnea (REVERTED)
- Reimplemented templating (init command) (3959) ssbarnea
- Remove ability to configure collections-path and roles-path for dependency (3956) ssbarnea

Minor Changes

- Allow molecule to list scenarios present under molecule directory within a collection (3989) ajinkyau
- Avoid skipping create and destroy steps on delegated (3949) ssbarnea


- Ignore scenarios in virtual envrionments (3996) ajinkyau
- Scaffold future docs structure (3997) cidrblock
- Update documentation (3985) ajinkyau
- Add example of integration with kubevirt (3972) jangel97
- Make pytest-testinfra as an optional dependency (3982) ajinkyau
- Dependency installation directory is changed (3980) zhan9san
- Avoid reinstalling dependencies (3979) zhan9san
- Remove constraints requirement files (3981) zhan9san
- Add example of using docker collection using default driver (3978) zhan9san
- Update documentation (3975) ajinkyau
- Fix connection plugin name setting (3957) apatard
- Disable isolation from ansible-compat Runtime (3962) ssbarnea
- Add example of using podman collection using default driver (3947) ssbarnea
- Improve how executed commands are logged (3948) ssbarnea
- Make driver optional in molecule.yml file (3946) ssbarnea


Major Changes

- Change current directory to scenario before running playbooks (3966) ssbarnea
- Rename delegated driver to default (3960) ssbarnea
- Reimplemented templating (init command) (3959) ssbarnea
- Remove ability to configure collections-path and roles-path for dependency (3956) ssbarnea

Minor Changes

- Allow molecule to list scenarios present under molecule directory within a collection (3989) ajinkyau
- Avoid skipping create and destroy steps on delegated (3949) ssbarnea


- Ignore scenarios in virtual envrionments (3996) ajinkyau
- Scaffold future docs structure (3997) cidrblock
- Update documentation (3985) ajinkyau
- Add example of integration with kubevirt (3972) jangel97
- Make pytest-testinfra as an optional dependency (3982) ajinkyau
- Dependency installation directory is changed (3980) zhan9san
- Avoid reinstalling dependencies (3979) zhan9san
- Remove constraints requirement files (3981) zhan9san
- Add example of using docker collection using default driver (3978) zhan9san
- Update documentation (3975) ajinkyau
- Fix connection plugin name setting (3957) apatard
- Disable isolation from ansible-compat Runtime (3962) ssbarnea
- Add example of using podman collection using default driver (3947) ssbarnea
- Improve how executed commands are logged (3948) ssbarnea
- Make driver optional in molecule.yml file (3946) ssbarnea

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