
Latest version: v1.15.1

Safety actively analyzes 621776 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Fixed `ValueError: Invalid co_name` happening on python 2 when the name of a function to create starts or ends with
`_` or contains a double `__` . Fixes [91](


- `wraps` now always sets the `__wrapped__` attribute, and also sets the `__signature__` attribute when the signature changes, as specified by PEP 362. PR []() by [86]( by [lucaswiman](


- `create_wrapper`, `create_function`, `wraps` and `with_signature` now support lambda functions. They also accept a new parameter `co_name` to define the name to be used in the compiled code. PR [80]( by [andrewcleveland](

1.13.1 - Fixed regression with generators in python 3.5

- Fixed an issue where using `partial` on a generator function in python 3.5 was raising a `SyntaxError`. Fixed [79](


- async generator functions are now supported (See [PEP525]( Fixed [#77]( [PR#78]( by [broglep-work](


- Fixed `TypeError` when a `func` attribute is present on the function provided to `create_function`. Fixed [76](


- Fixed `partial` so that :
- when no argument is provided, it is equivalent to `wraps(f)(f)`. That is, the `__wrapped__` attribute is set. Fixed [73](
- it sets the `func` attribute just as `functools.partial` does. Fixed [75](
- Removed `pytest-cases` dependency as it was a circular one. Fixed [68](
- Now using `flake8` for qualimetry and `genbadge` for badges. Fixed [71](
- Restructured project so that tests are truly independent, to ease rpm/apt/etc. packaging. Fixed [69](

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