
Latest version: v1.1.10

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* Sync up read the docs config with dev environments using poetry (
* Print usage on command line when no args are provided (
* Add sacct fallback to slurm adapter to improve robustness of job tracking (
* Update Flurm Job State mappings for flux versions >= 0.26 (
* Bump certifi from 2021.10.8 to 2022.12.7 to address security issue (
* Bump cryptography from 37.0.1 to 38.0.3 to address security issue (
* Add missing shbang in unscheduled scripts from lsf adapter (
* Update poetry lockfile to address dependabot flagged security issues (
* Fix for Dockerfile smell DL3006 (
* Port Maestro documentation to mkdocs and expand coverage of features and tutorials (
* Update version info to be driven from pyproject.toml exclusively, and hook up to command line (
* Pin mermaid to < 10.x due to api change (
* Bump lock file certifi from 2022.12.7 to 2023.7.22 to address security issue (
* Refactor flux adapter to avoid using pickle to talk to flux brokers installed in external environments (
Also adds flux integration tests to exercise against real flux brokers
* Add pager functionality to status command (
* Patch broken flux job cancellation (
* Insulate slurm adapters from user customization of squeue and sacct output formats (
Also adds live unit and integration tests for slurm adapter


Co-authored-by: Francesco Di Natale <>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
Co-authored-by: Bruno P. Kinoshita <>
Co-authored-by: Charles Doutriaux <>
Co-authored-by: Giovanni Rosa <>
Co-authored-by: Brian Gunnarson <>


Not secure
This release covers extensive improvements to the SLURM, LSF, and Flux adapters for scheduling to clusters as well as a new Rich-enabled status view. Other features include the addition of hashing workspaces, improvements to pgen, and many other background improvements/bugfixes.


Not secure
This patch release covers a critical bugfix that caused a regression in the ability to use variables and parameters in the scheduling parameters for a study step as well as makes the `Specification` class more easily inherited. This release also includes some improved documentation for parameters and parameter generation.

Other changes include the inclusion of the long description in the `` file to allow PyPi to render the markdown readme.

Inheritable validation and spec module (280) [6edda08] -- authored by Benjamin Bay
Modified validation logic to skip over variable tokens. (279) [5ca2b29] -- authored by Benjamin Bay
Updated the docs release version to 1.1.7 (278) [3795de0] -- authored by jsemler
Replace unicode quote with ascii quote (277) [f7e5b5b] -- authored by Jeremy White
Pgen docs (275) [2998cc4] -- authored by Jeremy White
Addition of README as long description. (269) [4d65e76] -- authored by Francesco Di Natale


Not secure


Not secure
Additions that include:
- Enabling of loading specifications from streams and stream-like objects.
- Correction to dependency versions to fix known security issues in PyYAML
- Corrections to the construction of safe pathing of workspaces
- User enabled workspace hashing to counter long parameter lists
- Addition of automatic adapter detection
- A prototype generalized Flux adapter






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