
Latest version: v0.83

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- Added optional `parameter_name` to `assert_type_or_raise`.
- Added `lcut` and `rcut`, fixed `split_in_parts`.
- Updated related tests. Full test coverage for those.
- Fixed github `FILE_URL_REGEX`, the full match included a whitespace at the end. Also made the protocol `http(s)://` optional.
- Added github `SIMPLE_URL_REGEX`, to cheaply match github urls.


- Added methods in `luckydonaldUtils.interactions` to see if a string is `True` or `False`
- `def string_is_yes(...)`: checks for a true-ish value and return `False` otherwise
- and `def string_y_n(...)`: expects y/n (case insensitive)
- Renamed `def assert_or_raise(...)` to `def assert_type_or_raise(...)` in `luckydonaldUtils.exceptions` (the old name as an alias to keep backwards compatibility, but it will warn you every time)


From Bonbot:
- added `def cut_paragraphs(...)`: cut text down to a specified lenght.


Logger update:
- `def add_colored_handler(...)`: added `filter` parameter. It will be applied to the handler.
- `def test_logger_levels(...)`:
- added `name` parameter to test with a name other then that function.
- added `force_all_levels` parameter to test with setting the logger to `DEBUG` level first.
- `def getLoglevelInt(...)`: Now allows you to input numbers, too (both as str or as int).
- `def getLoglevelInt(...)`: Now allows you to input numbers, too (both as str or as int).
- New `class LevelByNameFilter`: You can specify the names and set levels of files you want to log.


- Bugfix: Fixed `cached` decorator, to work with non jsonable cases, like the`self` attribute in classes. Should be more reliable overall.


- Added `cached(max_age=None)` decorator.
- Also decorators can be accessed form the `.decorators` import

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