
Latest version: v0.12.0

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- **Breaking change**: Disambiguate between “polarization angle” and “orientation” [305]( A few functions have been renamed as a consequence of this change; however, they are low-level functions that are used internally (`compute_pointing_and_polangle`, `all_compute_pointing_and_polangle`, `polarization_angle`), so external codes should be unaffected by this PR.

- **Breaking change**: Reworking of the IO, `write_observations` and `read_observations` are now part of the class simulation [293](

- Mbs optionally returns alms instead of maps [306](

- Include the possibility to pass components to fill_tods, add_dipole and add_noise [302](

- Add data splits in time and detector space to binned maps [291](

- Add support for partial multithreading using Numba [276](

- Fixing bug in mbs to pass general bandpass to mbs [271](

- Support for numpy.float128 made optional, this fixes importing issue on ARM architectures [286](

- Improve the documentation about noise simulations [283](

- Use libinsdb to access the IMO [282](

- Move from `flake8`/`black` to `ruff` [281](

- New module to simulate HWP systematics [232](


- **Breaking change**: Change the interface to the binner, implement a new destriper, and make the dependency on TOAST optional [260](

- **Breaking change**: Drop support for Python 3.7 and 3.8 [254](

- **Breaking change**: Fix noise seed inconsistency [256](

- Be more robust when parsing UUIDs and URLs coming from the IMo [274](

- Solve typing error in destriper [272](

- Include default PTEP IMO for tests and demos [230](

- Fixed typo in timeordered.rst [250](

- Fix error in reading observation when it does not have tod field [262](

- Bug in mbs for band integration solved [251](

- Implement a bandpass generator [160](, [#200](


- Some memory optimization [245](

- Improve the docstring for `scan_map_in_observations` [248](

- New interface for `make_bin_map` in `Simulation` [244](

- Added gain drift simulation module [243](

- Enable the use of other names than `tod` when calling the TOAST2 destriper [242](

- Use Poetry instead of Pip to specify the dependencies for the documentation [237](

- Remove bandpass-related warnings [236](

- Add TOD interpolation [233](

- Improve the documentation [231](

- Mbs supports generic bandpasses and can generate solar dipole [227](

- Improve the support for multiple TODs in the same `Observation` [225](


- Some memory optimization in pointing production [222](, coordinate rotation and noise [#223](

- Implement new methods in the `Simulation` class: `fill_tods`, `compute_pos_and_vel`, `add_dipole` and `add_noise` [221](

- **Breaking change**: add multiple TOD support to `describe_mpi_distribution` and make the field `MpiObservationDescr.tod_dtype` a list of strings [220](

- Add links to the manual in the example notebook [219](

- Implement new methods in the `Simulation` class: `set_scanning_strategy`, `set_instrument`, `set_hwp`, and deprecate `generate_spin2ecl_quaternions` [217](

- Add `gzip_compression` keyword to `write_observations` [214](

- Run more comprehensive tests on different TOD components [212](

- Add a link to the IMO webpage SSDC for each entity/quantity/data file included in simulation reports [211](

- Fix issue 209 [210](

- Add flag for coordinate system choice of madam output maps [208](

- Improve support for multiple TODs [205](


- **Breaking change** Interface of `get_pointings` modified, new function `get_pointings_for_observation` simplifies the pointing generation for a list of observations [198](

- Ensure chronological order for Madam FITS files and make sure that exporting them to Madam works with MPI [204](

- Properly install Madam template files [202](

- Mark installation errors for rich traceback in CI builds as non fatal [199](

- Fix bug in `make_bin_map` [196](


- Update and fix dependencies [192](

- Allow nnz=1 in the destriper [191](

- Improve the performance of the pointing generator [190](

- Add support for Madam (through an external call) [186](

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