
Latest version: v5.5.5

Safety actively analyzes 621776 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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What's Changed
* chore(deps): bump fastapi from 0.109.0 to 0.109.1 by dependabot in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/205
* deps: upgrade fastapi to resolve starlette issue by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/206
* misc: bump konoha by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/207

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/himkt/konoha/compare/v5.5.4...v5.5.5


What's Changed
* fix: copy src folder by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/200
* deps: move docs deps to dev group and merge with test group by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/201
* deps: use newer sudachipy by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/202
* deps: upgrade nagisa by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/203
* misc: bump konoha by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/204

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/himkt/konoha/compare/v5.5.3...v5.5.4


What's Changed
* feat: add workflow to build/push docker image by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/186
* feat: update docs by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/187
* ci: use ruff and group dependency expression (poetry) by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/188
* chore: cleanup by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/189
* chore: update Dockerfile by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/190
* deps: use new kytea by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/191
* ci: run ci with py311 by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/192
* feat: src-layout by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/193
* feat: add py.typed by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/194
* ci: check with mypy by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/195
* ci: use newer action by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/196
* feat: add --endpoint option to example by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/197
* feat: use FastAPI logger instead of rich by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/198
* chore: bump konoha (5.5.3) by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/199

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/himkt/konoha/compare/v5.5.2...v5.5.3


What's Changed
* deps: remove importlib-metadata since konoha now for py38 or newer by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/184
* chore: bump konoha (5.5.2) by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/185

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/himkt/konoha/compare/v5.5.1...v5.5.2


What's Changed
* chore: fix status badge by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/181
* deps: update dependent packages by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/182
* chore: bump konoha (5.5.1) by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/183

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/himkt/konoha/compare/v5.5.0...v5.5.1


What's Changed
* deps: update old dependencies and drop py37 by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/179
* chore: bump konoha (5.5.0) by himkt in https://github.com/himkt/konoha/pull/180

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/himkt/konoha/compare/v5.4.0...v5.5.0

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