
Latest version: v0.5.0

Safety actively analyzes 621688 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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New Features


- Updated testing data
- Code changes to prepare for JWST Cycle 2 Call for Proposals

Bug Fixes

- Ended support for loading bar. The loading bar and busy cursor were causing the tool to hang and not update figures in the gui.


New Features


- Registered the project with [Zenodo](10.5281/zenodo.4488420).
- Updated to follow PEP8 Coding Standards.
- General code clean-up.
- Added the use of an automated dependency update tool (`pyup`)

Project & API Documentation

- Added project citation information to [`README`](README) and [`CITATION`](CITATION), along with a Zenodo badge.
- Updated `README` to include: links to JDOX documentation; installation instructions for both general users and
contributors; link to `CODE_OF_CONDUCT`; contact information for current developers and provided link to the appropriate
git workflow.
- Added release notes ([`CHANGES`](CHANGES)).
- Added a documented release procedure ([`RELEASES`](RELEASES)).


New Features


- Updated to use `pysiaf` version `0.7.1` which uses **PRD PRDOPSSOC-027**.
- Updated unit tests to reflect changes from latest SIAF in **PRDOPSSOC-027**.

Bug Fixes

Mac OS app bundle

- Fixed Mac bundle issue that was causing application not to open.


Bug Fixes

Mac OS app bundle

- Fixed bug in Mac OS app bundle


New Features


- Added use of version `0.6.3` of `pysiaf` which uses **PRDOPSSOC-M-026** as default for the JWST SIAF.

Bug Fixes


- Discontinued use of the `jwxml` package. Tool now uses the STScI supported `pysiaf` package for all information using the SIAF.
- Discontinued support for python 2.7*


Bug Fixes


- Fixed bug in GUI so that NIRCam A long-wavelength bar mask is now oriented correctly in GUI (previously flipped left-to-right).
- Fixed bug in GUI such that The SIMBAD search field is now cleared when user enters RA/Dec or chooses an example.

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